On 17 Oct 2011 23:58:51 +0000, Chris Young wrote:

> On Sun, 16 Oct 2011 23:06:27 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time), Jeffrey Lee wrote:
> > Right, another new version:
> A couple of changes to get it to compile attached (there may be a
> better place than hostfs.h for my #ifdef).  However.. there seems to
> be a serious problem with this version, as I only seem to be getting
> as far as "RPCEmu Host Filing System" and than ArcEm freezes (or maybe
> busy-loops, either way I can't quit it)

The problem is HostFS, I think it's an invalid pointer in the code
somewhere.  If I remove !Boot it loads up, however opening HostFS
tries to open a file "à" followed by another called "hen".  Reboot and
all the names of files it can't read have changed.  Browsing and
opening files is generally working though.  I can send you my !Boot
(again!) if it will help?


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