
I am in the process of moving Carbon Configuration and Secure Vault from
Carbon Kernel [7] <https://github.com/wso2/carbon-config> repository. Both
these components will support OSGi mode as well as non-OSGi mode. Following
are the reasons behind moving these into new repositories.

Reasons for moving carbon configuration to a new repo:

   - The package is intended to provide configuration support for both OSGi
   and non-OSGi components and is to be used by MSF4J (OSGI and standalone
   mode), DAS etc. Therefore "org.wso2.carbon.configuration" should be a
   separate independent module (not inheriting the carbon kernel's parent pom)
   - Having the package within carbon kernel could lead into problems as
   having to release carbon kernel each time a change is made to

Reasons for moving carbon sec-vault to a new repo:

   - Carbon secure vault is to be used by the Carbon Kernal. However, the
   secure vault is provided via the carbon configuration module. Therefore we
   decided that it would be best if secure vault is released as a separate
   repository while carbon configuration module having a tight dependency to
   the secure vault (Since as for the above point, we have to make
   "org.wso2.carbon.configuration" a separate repository)
   - If we merge secure vault configuration with deployement.yaml and if
   there are cipher texts in deployment YAML, secure vault component has to
   depend on config component because secure vault configs reside in
   deployment YAML and config component has to depend on secure vault since we
   need to unciper the cipperd values in deployment YAML, that leads to cyclic

According to the new structure,

Carbon configuration will be in repo [5]
<https://github.com/wso2/carbon-config> and Carbon Secure Vault will be in
repo [6] <https://github.com/wso2/carbon-secvault>. This change will not
have any major impact on any of the current implementations. The only
change you have to make is to use the new maven dependencies and import any
class used from the right package. New maven dependency information would
be as follows for the components:

*Carbon configuration*


*Carbon Secure Vault*


Both Carbon configuration and Carbon Secure Vault will have carbon features
implemented that will be installed in the Carbon Kernel. New maven
dependency information for the features of the above will be as follows:

*Carbon configuration Feature*


*Carbon Secure Vault Feature*


Furthermore, maven configuration plugin [4] will be also moved to the
Carbon Config [5] <https://github.com/wso2/carbon-config> repo. Carbon
configuration maven plugin dependency information would be as mentioned


[1] Carbon Kernel Issue <https://github.com/wso2/carbon-kernel/issues/1312>
[2] Carbon Sec-Vault Issue
[3] Carbon Config Issue <https://github.com/wso2/carbon-config/issues/1>
[4] [Architecture] Carbon C5 - Server Configuration Model
[5] Carbon configuration repo <https://github.com/wso2/carbon-config>
[6] Carbon Secvault Repo <https://github.com/wso2/carbon-secvault>
[7] Carbon Kernel Repo <https://github.com/wso2/carbon-kernel>

Best Regards,

*Vidura Nanayakkara*
Software Engineer

Email : vidu...@wso2.com
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