Hi Imesh,

Shall we use the same default.yaml to define datasources with default
>> configuration of the product. because in carbon-datasources, we don't have
>> default database configurations and there are coming from different
>> components. but we read datasources configuration from carbon-datasources.
>> So we need a place to get the default values, if it is not specified in
>> deployment.yaml.
> ​According to the initial discussion we had, may be we can have the
> default values in the code using annotations. Do we see any problems with
> that?

The Problem here is, bean classes related to datasources are defined in
carbon-datasources, but the component doesn't contain any default values.
It creates databsource objects based on the config files in the datasources
directory(in C4, it is based on master-datasources.xml, etc) and
configuration files are created or modified at product level.

e.g.: If APIM needs separate datasource, it adds related configuration to
the datasource config files. So at runtime, carbon-datasources component
reads configuration and creates related datasource objects.

With the new config model, it is not mandatory to have those configuration
in deployment.yaml. So we need to have a place where we can get the default
values if it is not specified in the deployment.yaml.


*Danesh Kuruppu*
Senior Software Engineer | WSO2

Email: dan...@wso2.com
Mobile: +94 (77) 1690552
Web: WSO2 Inc <https://wso2.com/signature>
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