Hi Dulith,

The suggested approach and gif representation are great.The above flow is
good and simple IMO for a sequence of mediators with properties.

Have we thought about mediators like "filter"? In that case, there will be
multiple execution flows and each flow can have a sequence of mediators.
I believe we shouldn't be showing an extensive mediator tree if it is
time-consuming. But, we'll need a way to represent that in a simple way as
the mediators like "filter" is commonly used.


On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 5:53 PM Dulith Senanayake <dul...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm going to implement an UI which supports for single mediation policy
> designing and uploading to the backend which already has support for
> executing single policy for each In, Out, and Fault flow of API
> requests.Following gifs shows how I'm going to implement the UI design for
> uploading custom mediation policies & designing custom mediation policies.
> *Uploading custom mediation policies*
> Mediation_Flow_uploading.gif (2,512K)
> <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=e7a860e74d&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-a:r-2545341195134784047&view=att&disp=safe&realattid=f_k1vy99dy0>
> --
>    - Selecting a common mediation policy procedure same as in the APIM
>    3.0.0 product.
>    - In the uploading procedure user can upload an existing mediation
>    flow by clicking on upload mediation flow button.user has to select
>    mediation flow from his folders and upload the selected flow.
>    - User can view the source of the uploaded flow by clicking on the
>    source tab.
>    - User can add mediators to the uploaded flow by clicking on the
>    mediators in the right side.
>    - User can delete added mediators,uploaded mediators by right clicking
>    on the mediator that should delete.
>    - User can upload the designed flow to the Request,Response,Fault
>    message mediation by clicking on the select button.
>    - Name of the mediation flow display in the message mediation tab same
>    as in the APIM 3.0.0 product.
> *Designing custom mediation policies*
> Mediation_Flow_designing.gif
> (986K)
> <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=e7a860e74d&attid=0.2&permmsgid=msg-a:r-2545341195134784047&view=att&disp=safe&realattid=f_k1vyages1>
>    - In the designing procedure user must give the name for the designing
>    mediation flow according to the previous naming syntax(cannot have spaces
>    between names & instead of space must use underscore).
>    - User can click on the mediators in the right side to add to the
>    mediation flow.
>    - Properties of each added mediator,displays in the bottom tab.
>    - User can delete any added mediator by right clicking on the mediator.
>    - User can view the source of the added flow by clicking on the source
>    tab.
>    - User cannot upload the designed flow to the message mediation tab if
>    the name has not given for the designed flow(name is a mandatory field).
>    - If the name has given in the name field user can upload the flow to
>    the Request,Response,Fault message mediation by clicking on the select
>    button.
> *Technologies that are use in the implementation*
>    - React, Webpack, Babel, ES6, JSS, CSS, HTML5
>    - Java,Apache Synapse
> Thanks!
> *Dulith Senanayake* | Intern | WSO2 Inc <http://wso2.com>.
> (m) +94770044922 | (e) dul...@wso2.com
> [image: http://wso2.com/signature] <http://wso2.com/signature>

Malintha Amarasinghe
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