On 02/09/16 15:33, Joseph Honold wrote:
> Ultimately, I want to have cellular phone capability
> (voice/data/sms) [... ]
> Pyra is nice but wouldn't be a good as a traditional cellphone
> unless you put ear speaker and mic on backside of LCD/lid.

Any microphones or speakers (or cameras for that matter), if present,
should have hardware switches so that they can be kept disconnected when
not in use, to avoid eavesdropping, key-logging, etc.

On 02/09/16 16:52, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
>  the hybrid nature of the pixelqi screens was achieved by MASSIVELY
> reducing the viewing angle, to the point where the distance between
> people's eyes became a critical factor.

I've never owned an XO-1, but on the occasions I used them, I really
liked the screens.

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