On 22/04/17 00:20, Bill Kontos wrote:
> So anyway, they do provide to the libre world. Nothing is locking you
> into only using ubuntu in their laptops and all the code they are writing
> is FOSS. I'm tired of all the purists that will bash every company that
> does a step in the right direction but does not go all the way through,
> even when that company was started somewhere around 2005 in a guy's
> basement when the ecosystem was much less mature and they had almost no
> funding at all( or because they call it linux and not GNU/Linux).

Thanks for articulating this and spurring my thoughts.  I've been
thinking some of the same through much of the thread.  In fact, I bought
my last laptop from Think Penguin for that very reason.  Perfect?  No,
but from what I could find out, the closest thing to libre of what's
available in modern hardware today, and they are working hard to liberate
everything they can.  I also got the benefit of someone else doing the
work to make sure I could run a complete system with a fully libre
distro, no small task in today's world.

While someone's at it, perhaps Think Penguin should be contacted.
Actually, I just checked and they seem to have invited Luke to their
table at HOPE, so they are well aware of and interested in the project.

As far as I can tell, the EOMA68 laptop will be just about the first
fully libre laptop in /years/, and we are, like it or not, about epsilon
in the market.  The way the web has gone insanely bloated, people who
work using a computer need modern hardware now, and at least there are
companies out there applying all the muscle they have to get some sources
released.  EOMA68, while a good start, doesn't qualify as modern hardware
in that sense.  Maybe the second chip version will start to make inroads.

I was one of the would-be backers of the Talos mainboard, and found
myself disappointed with the FSF's lack of support for them as they were
the first chance of new hardware in several years that might achieve RYF

When there is nothing, beat loudly on the drum at the final destination,
but lose no chances to encourage every step in the right direction.
Remember also that there is more than one direction to take steps to the
goal from.


Tor Chantara
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