I think that Aztecs are nearer to the north than to the equator!!! Alexander Guerrero fabio guillermo rojas wrote: > > Question: What would controlling for racial composition do to these > > results? Clearly there is high collinearity between race and latitude, > > though modern transportation is weakening the connection. If you do > > both latitude and racial composition, what would happen? Does anyone > > have hard evidence on this? > > Prof. Bryan Caplan > > Observation: A lot of cultures close to the equator seem to have been > wealthy compared to Europe before the rise of the West aftyer 1500. The > conquistadors compared Technotitlan to Cordoba (the wealthy Spanish > coastal city) and various Arabic cultures close to the equator seem to > have been wealthy. > > I think that the wealth/race/latitude thing might be artifact of > colonialism. > > Think about it: cultures near the equator exhibit a lot of variation > in wealth before colonialism. Then the West expands into the Americas > and other places. A lot of wealthy cultures near the equator are wiped out > due to conquest or disease (the Aztecs), others are just in general > decline (the Ottomans) and some were very poor to start with (like many in > Central Africa). > > So before regressing wealth on racial composition and then making > sweeping conclusions, one should remember that the current concentration > of wealth in the North is really just something that happened in the > last 500 years. > > -f
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