I would not like to use dirty words but this line of thought could take
you directly to some kind of racism. That's why your question is just
stupid. But you probably know it.
> On Thu, 15 Feb 2001, Bryan Caplan wrote:
> > Sachs has popularized a strong finding: Distance from the equator
> > explains a great deal of the variation in income *levels* between
> > countries.  The further from the equator, the richer countries are.
> > There are also some parallel findings for growth - controlling for other
> > factors, growth is slower in the tropics than in temperate zones.
> >
> > Question: What would controlling for racial composition do to these
> > results?  Clearly there is high collinearity between race and latitude,
> > though modern transportation is weakening the connection.  If you do
> > both latitude and racial composition, what would happen?  Does anyone
> > have hard evidence on this?
> > --

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