Hi All,

I'm trying to analyze Affy 6.0 chips by following the steps in the
vignette for CRMA v 2.0, but I run into problems when I define ces =
getChipEffectSet(plm).  My code, sessionInfo(), traceback(), and R
output are below.  Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.



log = verbose = Arguments$getVerbose(-8, timestamp = TRUE)
options(digits = 4)
cdf = AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType("GenomeWideSNP_6", tags = "Full")
gi = getGenomeInformation(cdf)
si = getSnpInformation(cdf)
acs = AromaCellSequenceFile$byChipType(getChipType(cdf, fullname =
csR = AffymetrixCelSet$byName("testing", cdf = cdf)
acc = AllelicCrosstalkCalibration(csR, model = "CRMAv2")
csC = process(acc, verbose = verbose)
bpn = BasePositionNormalization(csC, target = "zero")
csN = process(bpn, verbose = verbose)
plm = AvgCnPlm(csN, mergeStrands = TRUE, combineAlleles = TRUE)
fit(plm, verbose = verbose)

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31)

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods

other attached packages:
 [1] aroma.affymetrix_1.7.0 aroma.apd_0.1.7
 [4] R.huge_0.2.0           aroma.core_1.7.0
 [7] matrixStats_0.2.1      R.rsp_0.3.6
[10] R.filesets_0.8.3       digest_0.4.2
[13] R.oo_1.7.3             R.methodsS3_1.2.0

> traceback()
1: print(ces)

> library(aroma.affymetrix)
Loading required package: R.utils
Loading required package: R.oo
Loading required package: R.methodsS3
R.methodsS3 v1.2.0 (2010-03-13) successfully loaded. See ?R.methodsS3
for help.
R.oo v1.7.3 (2010-06-04) successfully loaded. See ?R.oo for help.
R.utils v1.4.4 (2010-07-05) successfully loaded. See ?R.utils for
Loading required package: R.filesets
Loading required package: digest
R.filesets v0.8.3 (2010-07-06) successfully loaded. See ?R.filesets
for help.
Loading required package: aroma.core
Loading required package: R.cache
R.cache v0.3.0 (2010-03-13) successfully loaded. See ?R.cache for
Loading required package: R.rsp
R.rsp v0.3.6 (2009-09-16) successfully loaded. See ?R.rsp for help.
 Type browseRsp() to open the RSP main menu in your browser.
Loading required package: matrixStats
matrixStats v0.2.1 (2010-04-05) successfully loaded. See ?matrixStats
for help.
Loading required package: aroma.light
aroma.light v1.16.1 (2010-06-23) successfully loaded. See ?aroma.light
for help.
aroma.core v1.7.0 (2010-07-26) successfully loaded. See ?aroma.core
for help.
Loading required package: aroma.apd
Loading required package: R.huge
R.huge v0.2.0 (2009-10-16) successfully loaded. See ?R.huge for help.
Loading required package: affxparser
aroma.apd v0.1.7 (2009-10-16) successfully loaded. See ?aroma.apd for
aroma.affymetrix v1.7.0 (2010-07-26) successfully loaded. See ?
aroma.affymetrix for help.
> log = verbose = Arguments$getVerbose(-8, timestamp = TRUE)
> options(digits = 4)
> #Test to make sure things are working
> cdf = AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType("GenomeWideSNP_6", tags = "Full")
> print(cdf)
Path: annotationData/chipTypes/GenomeWideSNP_6
Filename: GenomeWideSNP_6,Full.cdf
Filesize: 470.44MB
Chip type: GenomeWideSNP_6,Full
RAM: 0.00MB
File format: v4 (binary; XDA)
Dimension: 2572x2680
Number of cells: 6892960
Number of units: 1881415
Cells per unit: 3.66
Number of QC units: 4
> gi = getGenomeInformation(cdf)
> print(gi)
Name: GenomeWideSNP_6
Tags: Full,na30,hg18,HB20100215
Full name: GenomeWideSNP_6,Full,na30,hg18,HB20100215
Pathname: annotationData/chipTypes/GenomeWideSNP_6/
File size: 8.97 MB (9407867 bytes)
RAM: 0.00 MB
Chip type: GenomeWideSNP_6,Full
> si = getSnpInformation(cdf)
> print(si)
Name: GenomeWideSNP_6
Tags: Full,na30,hg18,HB20100215
Full name: GenomeWideSNP_6,Full,na30,hg18,HB20100215
Pathname: annotationData/chipTypes/GenomeWideSNP_6/
File size: 7.18 MB (7526452 bytes)
RAM: 0.00 MB
Chip type: GenomeWideSNP_6,Full
Number of enzymes: 2
> acs = AromaCellSequenceFile$byChipType(getChipType(cdf, fullname = FALSE))
> print(acs)
Name: GenomeWideSNP_6
Tags: HB20080710
Full name: GenomeWideSNP_6,HB20080710
Pathname: annotationData/chipTypes/GenomeWideSNP_6/
File size: 170.92 MB (179217531 bytes)
RAM: 0.00 MB
Number of data rows: 6892960
File format: v1
Dimensions: 6892960x26
Column classes: raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw,
raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw,
Number of bytes per column: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Footer: <createdOn>20080710 22:47:02 PDT</
Chip type: GenomeWideSNP_6
Platform: Affymetrix
> #Load CEL files in the folder "testing."  Note that inside the working 
> directory we have the
> #path rawData//testing//GenomeWideSNP_6, which contains the appropriate CEL 
> files.
> csR = AffymetrixCelSet$byName("testing", cdf = cdf)
> print(csR)
Name: testing
Path: rawData/testing/GenomeWideSNP_6
Platform: Affymetrix
Chip type: GenomeWideSNP_6,Full
Number of arrays: 9
Names: sample1, sample10, ..., sample9
Time period: 2010-04-20 13:23:11 -- 2010-04-20 18:43:03
Total file size: 592.83MB
RAM: 0.01MB
> acc = AllelicCrosstalkCalibration(csR, model = "CRMAv2")
> print(acc)
Data set: testing
Input tags:
User tags: *
Asterisk ('*') tags: ACC,ra,-XY
Output tags: ACC,ra,-XY
Number of files: 9 (592.83MB)
Platform: Affymetrix
Chip type: GenomeWideSNP_6,Full
Algorithm parameters: (rescaleBy: chr "all", targetAvg: num 2200,
subsetToAvg: chr "-XY", mergeShifts: logi TRUE, B: int 1, flavor: chr
"sfit", algorithmParameters:List of 3, ..$ alpha: num [1:8] 0.1 0.075
0.05 0.03 0.01 0.0025 0.001 0.0001, ..$ q: num 2, ..$ Q: num 98)
Output path: probeData/testing,ACC,ra,-XY/GenomeWideSNP_6
Is done: TRUE
RAM: 0.00MB
> csC = process(acc, verbose = verbose)
20100810 10:49:37|Calibrating data set for allelic cross talk...
20100810 10:49:37| Already calibrated
20100810 10:49:37|Calibrating data set for allelic cross talk...done
> print(csC)
Name: testing
Tags: ACC,ra,-XY
Path: probeData/testing,ACC,ra,-XY/GenomeWideSNP_6
Platform: Affymetrix
Chip type: GenomeWideSNP_6,Full
Number of arrays: 9
Names: sample1, sample10, ..., sample9
Time period: 2010-08-06 14:12:04 -- 2010-08-10 09:38:39
Total file size: 591.63MB
RAM: 0.01MB
> bpn = BasePositionNormalization(csC, target = "zero")
> print(bpn)
Data set: testing
Input tags: ACC,ra,-XY
User tags: *
Asterisk ('*') tags: BPN,-XY
Output tags: ACC,ra,-XY,BPN,-XY
Number of files: 9 (591.63MB)
Platform: Affymetrix
Chip type: GenomeWideSNP_6,Full
Algorithm parameters: (unitsToFit: chr "-XY", typesToFit: chr "pm",
unitsToUpdate: NULL, typesToUpdate: chr "pm", shift: num 0, target:
chr "zero", model: chr "smooth.spline", df: int 5)
Output path: probeData/testing,ACC,ra,-XY,BPN,-XY/GenomeWideSNP_6
Is done: TRUE
RAM: 0.00MB
> csN = process(bpn, verbose = verbose)
20100810 10:50:12|Normalization data set for probe-sequence effects...
20100810 10:50:12| Already normalized
20100810 10:50:12|Normalization data set for probe-sequence
> plm = AvgCnPlm(csN, mergeStrands = TRUE, combineAlleles = TRUE)
> fit(plm, verbose = verbose)
20100810 10:50:26|Fitting model of class AvgCnPlm...
 Data set: testing
 Chip type: GenomeWideSNP_6,Full
 Input tags: ACC,ra,-XY,BPN,-XY
 Output tags: ACC,ra,-XY,BPN,-XY,AVG,A+B
 Parameters: (probeModel: chr "pm"; shift: num 0; flavor: chr
"median"; mergeStrands: logi TRUE; combineAlleles: logi TRUE).
 Path: plmData/testing,ACC,ra,-XY,BPN,-XY,AVG,A+B/GenomeWideSNP_6
 RAM: 0.00MB
20100810 10:50:26| Identifying non-estimated units...
20100810 10:50:26|  Getting chip-effect set from data set...
20100810 10:50:26|   Retrieving monocell CDF...
20100810 10:50:26|    Monocell chip type:
20100810 10:50:26|    Locating monocell CDF...
20100810 10:50:27|     Pathname:
20100810 10:50:27|    Locating monocell CDF...done
20100810 10:50:27|    Could not locate monocell CDF. Will create one
for chip type...
20100810 10:50:27|     Creating monocell CDF...
20100810 10:50:27|      Chip type: GenomeWideSNP_6,Full
Error in list(`fit(plm, verbose = verbose)` = <environment>,
`fit.ProbeLevelModel(plm, verbose = verbose)` = <environment>,  :

[2010-08-10 10:50:27] Exception: File already exists: annotationData/
  at throw(Exception(...))
  at throw.default("File already exists: ", pathname)
  at throw("File already exists: ", pathname)
  at method(static, ...)
  at Arguments$getWritablePathname(tmpDest, mustNotExist = TRUE)
  at createMonocellCdf.AffymetrixCdfFile(this, ..., verbose =
  at createMonocellCdf(this, ..., verbose = less(verbose))
  at getMonocellCdf.AffymetrixCdfFile(cdf, ..., verbose =
  at getMonocellCdf(cdf, ..., verbose = less(verbose))
  at getChipEffectSet.ProbeLevelModel(this, verbose = verbose)
  at NextMethod("getChipEffectSet", this, ...)
  at getChipEffectSet.SnpPlm(this, verbose = verbose)
  at NextMethod("getChipEffectSet", this, ...)
  at getChipEffectSet.CnPlm(this, verbose = verbose)
  at getChipEffectSet(this, verbose = verbose)
  at findUnitsTodo.ProbeLevelModel(this, verbose = less(verbose)
20100810 10:50:27|     Creating monocell CDF...done
20100810 10:50:27|    Could not locate monocell CDF. Will create one
for chip type...done
20100810 10:50:27|   Retrieving monocell CDF...done
20100810 10:50:27|  Getting chip-effect set from data set...done
20100810 10:50:27| Identifying non-estimated units...done
20100810 10:50:27|Fitting model of class AvgCnPlm...done
> print(plm)
Data set: testing
Chip type: GenomeWideSNP_6,Full
Input tags: ACC,ra,-XY,BPN,-XY
Output tags: ACC,ra,-XY,BPN,-XY,AVG,A+B
Parameters: (probeModel: chr "pm"; shift: num 0; flavor: chr "median";
mergeStrands: logi TRUE; combineAlleles: logi TRUE).
Path: plmData/testing,ACC,ra,-XY,BPN,-XY,AVG,A+B/GenomeWideSNP_6
RAM: 0.00MB
> ces = getChipEffectSet(plm)
Error in list(`getChipEffectSet(plm)` = <environment>,
`getChipEffectSet.CnPlm(plm)` = <environment>,  :

[2010-08-10 10:51:05] Exception: File already exists: annotationData/
  at throw(Exception(...))
  at throw.default("File already exists: ", pathname)
  at throw("File already exists: ", pathname)
  at method(static, ...)
  at Arguments$getWritablePathname(tmpDest, mustNotExist = TRUE)
  at createMonocellCdf.AffymetrixCdfFile(this, ..., verbose =
  at createMonocellCdf(this, ..., verbose = less(verbose))
  at getMonocellCdf.AffymetrixCdfFile(cdf, ..., verbose =
  at getMonocellCdf(cdf, ..., verbose = less(verbose))
  at getChipEffectSet.ProbeLevelModel(plm)
  at NextMethod("getChipEffectSet", this, ...)
  at getChipEffectSet.SnpPlm(plm)
  at NextMethod("getChipEffectSet", this, ...)
  at getChipEffectSet.CnPlm(plm)
  at getChipEffectSet(plm)
> print(ces)
Error in print(ces) : object 'ces' not found

When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.

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