Hello Diya, it was nice to read your article, but there is one thing on which I 
don't agree. According to you, people who like this theme are ARR fans who like 
whatever music he composes, am I right? (even if I am wrong please continue 
your reading)


I am a huge fan of ARR following his music since the beginning (Roja), whether 
it is now or in the 90s, I never liked every songs ARR had composed. This does 
not mean that the songs were not good, maybe somebody else liked it very much, 
it was only the fact that it was not my taste. So please don't underestimate 
ARR fans concluding that they likes everything he composes blindly just because 
they are mad fans. 
For example, I did not like Rukumani song from Roja, I did not like most of 
Kizhakku Chimayilae movie songs, Pettai Rap from Kadhalan was not my favorite 
as well, I did not like Mastam song from Yuvraaj, and many others... I never 
said that these songs were good. When somebody ask me "who composed it? it is 
so bad!", It was uneasy for me to answer, that's all. 


Having said this, for me ARR remains the best musician in India in his domain 
(I like all kind of music except Rap style, you can not compare ARR with Zakir 
Hussain, L.Subramaniam, etc... ARR can not play like them and they can not 
compose like ARR) but in the cinefield area he is the Number 1.


If this theme was used in a movie, maybe people would have said that it is 
good, but people say that the theme is not good in front of what it should have 
been according to their own expectation, their own conception of a theme that 
should represent India. Maybe they wanted something as usual with lots of noise 
as the Shakira one...Easy to do !
But, according to me, ARR vision for India were surely different, India being 
the country with lots of history, culture, respect and passion. A country where 
even today people respect the elders (respect the parents, the teachers, the 
Gods), a country which has many beliefs and values which is not the case in 
other countries. Did people expect a theme song with a indian woman dancing 
like shakira ? Remember, all songs or theme that ARR has composed for the 
Nation has always been deep and slow with lots of emotions (Taj Mahal 
promotional theme "one love", "Yeh Jo Desh" song from Swades, except Vande 


For example, none other instrument in the world can give you the touching 
feeling as the one of the Sitar sound. This sound can give you tears, it is 
really full of sentiments, even foreigners can connect with it. Sitar sound is 
the one which represent India to its best, did people expect a Ravi Shankar 
style music as a CWG Anthem, no I don't thing so.

What about "Yeh Jo Desh Hai Tera" song from Swades which was a big hit, it is 
even slower comparing to the actual theme to represent the Games. Yes it is a 
very though challenge to compose one music that represent India, it is very 
easy to compose a song like the Shakira's one, but India has so many diversity 
that it is completely impossible.


Taking into account all this, ARR Theme is the more appropriate one has it 
starts slowly which reflects the emotional part of Indians (every Indian is 
sensible, very sensible, indian culture is based on sensibilities and ARR is 
very sensible and emotional when it regards India) and then continue higher and 
higher progressively to end with Banghra sound fulfilling in this way the 
required energy representing the Games. 


I love the Theme, because it has a correct balance between every Indian actual 
values that are emotions, expectations, development (which recall history from 
sadness to joy), respect, belief, proudness and the wishes of success and 
establishment which is India's main force today. It is a very intelligent 
theme, each sound gives me so many feel.....


Sorry for my long comment, I could not stop when I write about India and ARR. 
Take care. Serge BELIER


To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
From: gayathri_c...@yahoo.com
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 01:02:55 -0700
Subject: Re: [arr] My blogpost on the CWG theme song

It was a wonderful article Diya. Though I did not agree with some of your 
points, I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed reading the same. Left a comment 
on your blog too. Hope to hear a lot more from you in the near future. 


--- On Thu, 9/2/10, diya <ganguly_d...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

From: diya <ganguly_d...@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: [arr] My blogpost on the CWG theme song
To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010, 6:25 PM


Hi all,

Here's a post I wrote about compiling all that I have to say about this entire 
CWG issue. It includes some of the things I have already written in the mails, 
so if you have read them, feel free to ignore this post, it might be a 
repetition :) 

And it's strictly a personal opinion, so I know some of you will disagree. That 
is totally fine. If you read and have anything to say, do leave a comment there.





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