
We use an external authentication method (with blank passwords in ARS)
with our ARS and I use the following approach. The only down side is
that you "kick the user out" while you are testing because your are
literally hijacking their account. The up side is that it really _is_
their account. (So you get the same preference record, the same 'Login
Name' ect... The only thing that are really still different are local
client host [for User Tool specific issues] and network paths.)

Ref the 'Authentication Login Name' field.

Basically you would set 'Authentication Login Name' to the username
that you know the password for in your external authentication source
on the Users record that you want to test. Then you login to the ARS
client with their 'Login Name' and your password. When done you clear
the field and then they can login with their password again.

The same thing can be done if your using external authentication
method (with blank passwords) if you set an ARS level password then
login with that value and later clear it. However, that may cause
issues if your doing any kind of "Password Management" with rules like
"Must change every 60 days", or "must track how long since the user
changed their password" etc...

If your not using an external authentication method, then export the
record to ARX format. Change the password. Do your testing. and import
the ARX record so that it OVERWRITES the DB record. That should
restore the record to the starting condition. (or you can even just
force a "user must change password" type condition. (If your custom
processes supports that.)

( Basically what Jason Miller said... just with a slight difference in
approach. :) )

BTW (and a bit off topic): Using the above approach (assuming you are
using an external authentication method and 'Authentication Login
Name' ) you can "lock" an account by setting this fields value with
some username/account that does not exist. Then later when the account
should be "unlocked" you clear the field. ( A custom AREA plugin,a
User.log monitoring process, or even a trusted ARS user could "lock
the account" and stash a record that will clear the value after
time="x" and let an escalation "unlock" the account by removing the
'Authentication Login Name' value.)

Carey Matthew Black
Remedy Skilled Professional (RSP)
ARS = Action Request System(Remedy)

Love, then teach
Solution = People + Process + Tools
Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Mary Dollus
> Hi Everyone,
>  I thought I heard that there is a way to mimic a user's account so you can 
> log in as them, but not really using their login and password.
>  Is that possible?  I want to test a user's account as it is...  I could add 
> one and set it up like hers... but all of those work... so I want to see what 
> she's seeing exactly.
>  Thanks!!!
>  Mary Dollus
>  ARS 7.0.01
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