I am not sure I can explain why you got that error, I haven't really 
encountered that kind of an error before but then again I haven't worked on DSO 
on a server group environment.
However if you are concerned about failure of the admin server, then there is 
not much you need to be worried about. On the event the admin server fails, the 
server group looks at the next server configured in the Server Ranking form 
rank-wise.. The lower the rank the higher the weight of the server. So a server 
ranked with rank 1 will generally be your admin server, assuming it was the 
first that was brought up on your network..
If the server with rank 1 fails, the server with rank 2 will pick up where 1 
left.. even after 1 is brought up again, 2 will continue to be the admin server 
until it is brought down or fails whatever happens earlier.. After 2 is brought 
down or fails, 1 will resume admin operation if it is already up, else the 
server with rank 3 will take admin operations if there is a third server..
So at any point of time you will have at least one admin server up...
NOTE that you will manually have to configure the Server Ranking form for their 
ranks... each server will have 10 entries in this form each entry representing 
a kind of admin operation. You will need to put a rank against each of these 
entries.. Ideally you put the same rank for all entries for a given server. So 
server A gets rank 1 for all its 10 entries, Server B gets rank 2 for all its 
10 entries, and so on.
These ranks will decide which would be the next admin server in the event of 
failure of the current admin server.
So as far as a developer is concerned, when an admin server does go down, all 
you would need to do is logout of the one that you were connected to and log 
into the server that has assumed the admin operations.. The general end user is 
not impacted at all during such failures..
Hope this helps..

----- Original Message ----
From: "Nall, Roger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Sent: Wednesday, June 4, 2008 4:01:33 PM
Subject: Re: Virtual Server Name


Okay, so maybe you can explain this one. 

While deploying this new Remedy instance we also upgraded my system to
7.01 patch 4 from 6.03 patch 16. We could not get DSO to work completely
between the servers. After about 9 hrs of troubleshooting we decided to
create a new very simple DSO process to prove we could get data back and
forth. While building an active link on my active server we were getting
Error 424 'Filter and escalation Push Fields actions can only affect
forms on the same server as the filter or escalation.' After researching
this we discovered that the server reference in the filter which is the
virtual name was different then the server alias in the admin tool. Some
how during the upgrade the alias for both servers was changed to the
actual server name for each server. Once I changed the alias value to
the virtual name this error and our DSO problem went away. 

This is what really led me to this post. I am concerned that if the
Admin server fails there could be problems with workflow as the alias
name of the new admin server will not match the server referenced in the
workflow. I hope this makes sense.


Roger A. Nall
Manager, OSSNMS Remedy
T-Mobile USA
Desk: 813-348-2556
Cell: 973-652-6723
FAX: 813-348-2565
sf49fanv    AIM IM
RogerNall  Yahoo IM


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe DeSouza
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 1:49 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Virtual Server Name


Will be glad to explain.. please scroll down for my responses to your

If for any reason you think I have still not clearly explained or if you
haven't understood correctly, feel free to write back either to the list
of me.. I'm installing Patch 7 for my ITSM apps here so I have the time
to watch both the list as well as my personal emails..



----- Original Message ----
From: "Nall, Roger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Sent: Wednesday, June 4, 2008 1:22:03 PM
Subject: Re: Virtual Server Name



I am not sure I follow. Here is what I know about Server Groups:

*    Only one sever can act as the Admin server.
*    Both servers are accessing the same database.

Yes and Yes. Both servers will share the same database but only one of
the servers can act as an admin server which includes the creation or
modification of any workflow.

Here is what I assume if you use the actual Admin server name:

*    All workflow should be developed only on the Admin server.

Yes, but its saved on the database that the other servers share, but the
cache on the other servers will not be updated immediatly. The other
servers will however get a signal to recache from the primary admin
server. You can set the time interval that is used for this signal to
propogate using the server group interval

*    Any creation/modification of workflow on the non-admin server
should fail.

Yes. I do not have the exact error that you get but it will clearly
indicate that this is not an admin server instance that you are
connected to.

*    The server reference in the workflow will be the actual server
name of the Admin server.

No. Actual names are no longer stored in the database. The current
server is represented by @ when workflow saves the information to the
DB. Its only if you are doing something to a remote AR Server that the
workflow will save the actual name of the server in the worlfow.

*    If the Admin server fails and another server is promoted to the
admin server and creation/modification of work flow will have the server
reference of the new admin server thus creating a condition of have
different server references in different pieces of work flow.

No - for reasons explained above...

Here is what I assume of you use the Virtual server name:

*    All servers in the group will have the same Virtual server

For the purpose of connecting - Yes..

*    All workflow created/modified will have the same server
reference regardless of which server was the Admin server.

No. Local server is represented in the database as @ in all workflow
objects including table fields. The server name is hardcoded only in
case of a remote server

Of course I have not worked with Server Groups so I am only speculating.
I would think if a user is logged into the non-admin server and
performed some ort of action that required admin functionality that
request would be passed to the Admin server for processing. I am basing
all of this on my own experience. I maintain two servers that access the
same database, one active and one passive. I have the Virtual server
name referenced as the alias of both servers. No matter which server is
active I can create/modify workflow and the only the Virtual server will
be referenced.


Roger A. Nall
Manager, OSSNMS Remedy
T-Mobile USA
Desk: 813-348-2556
Cell: 973-652-6723
FAX: 813-348-2565
sf49fanv    AIM IM
RogerNall  Yahoo IM

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