Morning All.

Does anyone know where the return values for the $OS$ keyword come from? I am resurrecting a bit of workflow to get users to update their Windows User Tool version if their are using Windows Vista. I currently collect login information and one item I collect is the value of the $OS$ keyword. For XP users it correctly states "Windows XP". For W2K it says "Windows 2000". For Vista, though, I get the string "Windows NT or NT Server", which I also get for Windows 2003 Server!.

So, how can I successfully test for Vista and not pick the few stray 2003 users?

BTW the version of the User Tool I have available for users to upgrade to is 7.0.01 (patch 007). I have also downloaded 7.1.00 (patch 003) and get the same results from the two different OS versions.

Thanks in advance,

Ian Trimnell

Ian Trimnell, AR System Lead Developer (amongst other jobs),
Specialist Support & Information Team, Academic & Administrative Computing Service
Open University, MILTON KEYNES, UK
Phone: 01908 653741   web:
The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

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