Hello listers,
We have installed ARS 7.1 with ITSM 7.0.3.  We are building the QA and Prod
environments with multiple ARServers and multiple Mid-Tiers.  We currently
have a load balancer in front of the Mid Tier servers but do not have one
between the Mid Tier and ARServers.  We have been having trouble configuring
the ARServers into a server group (plugin server not starting).  The
specific question is: is a load balancer required in front of the ARServers
in order to configure them into a server group?  The BMC docs assume you
have one but do not state that you *must* have one.

BMC has not been very helpful with this so far.  When posed with that direct
question, they simply refer to the configuration doc rather than answering
the question.

Thanks for any help.

Chuck Baldi

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