Sergio, you should be able to export all the fields of a single entry with the 
correct settings to a CSV. Generate a list of the login names. Add the login 
names and short description to the spreadsheet, copy all the remaining values 
down, and import with arimport.

From: Sergio Tomillero <>
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Sent: Friday, January 9, 2009 11:17:55 AM
Subject: Creating massive User Preference records with the same configuration

Hello people,

Users will connect into Remedy using the preference server. Most of them
have customized the ar.ini file, for instance the Placement value. I have
localized the corresponding fields between the ar.ini and the AR System User
Preference form. Now that form has no records. About the users, there are
hundreds with the same configuration and anothers with different. I would
like to know how to create the records in the AR System User Preference form
for those users whose customized configuration is the same, but without
having to do Edit - Copy to New and changin the Login Name and Short
Description for each record, because it should be a tedious task due to the
elevate number of users. Is there any dinamic way to do it?

Thank you in advance,
Sergio Tomillero

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