Thanks Jason. 

Your'e right about the situation getting better. The only reason I am taking 
this trouble at this point is that the pages look fantastic on my phone...even 
complex forms used in regular browsers.

I can login without any issue. Many of the buttons work. So, I feel that there 
is not a whole lot standing between a simple working form and what I see now. 
That by using a simple form, a limited set of workflow and using some 
workarounds, I can get a small set of mobile devices to work with midtier. 
That's the dream anyway and I may just be overreacting to what reviewers say is 
the excellent ability of HTC Eris to render web pages.

I am also looking at ARSPERL to send html and limited javascript back to the 
browser. Not the most elegant and scalable solution, but will work.

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 5:40 PM, Jason Miller <> wrote:

    ** We have tried for years as the device get more powerful and the MT gets 
faster.  To this day we are yet to find a device that can utilize enough 
functionality to be usable.

    The closest we have come is with the newer generation Blackberries 
(Storm/Tour) and the iPhone with both MT 7.1 and 7.5.  We can get authenticated 
and load a very basic form display only form.  We have see similar issues where 
tables to not work as designed, buttons and Active Links do not work.  It 
doesn't take too complex of a form to make a Blackberry display an error that 
the page is too large to load.  We are closer than we have ever been but not 
quite there yet.

    We are supposed to be getting a few demo phones <not sure if there is any 
kind of NDA so I will not state the device> that are claimed to have full 
browser functionality including flash.  We'll see how these work when they 


    On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Rabi Tripathi <> wrote:

        I could sure use a lesson in clear communication. I am not asking this 
question right.

        I know Rick that there are many vendors that since forever have been 
selling wares to enable mobile devices to access Remedy applications. God bless 
these fine folks and their ingenuity.

        I also know that it's unrealistic to expect form/workflow designed for 
windows client or regular browser to fully work on mobile devices, as html and 
javascript support in mobile browsers is limited. Not to mention the difference 
in screen size, speed.

        My intention is to come up with simplified forms/workflow for mobile 
devices to have them work without third party products. At least for a small 
set of devices/browsers. Given what I have seen so far for HTC Eris Droid, it 
won't be possible or will be very funky (such as replace menus with buttons 
that open a form with a table listing menu choices), because menus don't work, 
can't double click on a table etc. I'm sure there are more caveats for Droid, 
and different caveats for other devices.

        So I am interested in hearing from anyone who has tried to get 
simplified Remedy forms/workflow to work on any Mobile device/browser using 
nothing but the good old midtier.

        What midtier and Device/browser, did you try and how well did it work 
(or not)?
        I have midtier 7.1 p7 / Tomcat on Sun.

        I thought a lot would have a lot to say on this topic. Or are my users 
and I just too


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