You may want to compare the data in the system between your test and prod envs. 
 I'm not a DBA, but what I've seen seems to be that the more rows in your db 
that need to have columns added / changed / etc, the longer it takes.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Miller" <>
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 6:01:43 PM
Subject: Re: ARS 7.6.04 SP2 Solaris installer Oracle db.

** The hardware size appears to have little to do with the install times.  Of 
course there is some type of relation between hardware and time but I can't 
figure it out. 

In our case the production db is a physical server with 24 cores and 48 gb of 
ram and test is a VM with 4 CPUs assigned and 8 gb of ram.  The production app 
server is a VM with 2 cores and 6 gb of ram and test is a VM with 2 cores and 4 
gb of ram.  There is a little more data in the production db vs. the test db.  
I would think this would fairly negligible since both were not really being 

I scheduled our production outage for 48 hours (with a little extra time) based 
on the time it took to perform the same steps in test with the additional step 
of running BPCU (I skipped this in production since we had about 6 
custom/modified objects that I converted manually).  Test took a little less 
than 48 hours and this included ironing out the process and had the extra BPCU 
time.  I was pretty certain upgrading production would be much faster.  It 
turns out that it took production longer than a lighter weight test 


On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 1:09 PM, strauss < > wrote: 


I restored my test/sample data system back to where ITSM was still SP1 (ARS and 
Atrium at SP2) and performed two manual interventions before kicking off ITSM 
7.6.04 SP2 again: 


Delete join form VIS:Status_Stage_Flow_TransitionRulesLookup which is carrying 
an outdated View ID for the Default Administrator View (the only view present) 

   I am told that this was _ supposed _ to have been changed in the upgrade to 
7.6.03, but none of my systems reflect that change. 


Delete all existing records in DLD:SYS:DataLoadStatus that were preventing SP2 
from creating a unique index on InstanceId 

   There were 126 old records in there with GUIDs that are NOT UNIQUE on a 
case-insensitive system (SQL Server). 

   Looking at the production system which had no records in that form, it 
actually looks like the unique index was created by the upgrade to 
– which is when I have been told it was introduced.  Somehow, my test system 
got past that and SP1 both without the installation hanging – until SP2. 


The installation of ITSM 7.6.04 SP2 has been running since 10:30 AM; we’ll see 
how long it takes, but this is on a low powered VM and isn’t a good measure of 
what it will take on production grade equipment.  From what you’re saying, Pat, 
it doesn’t do very well on MUCH higher-powered servers, either.  I guess the 
Thanksgiving holiday will be my first window of opportunity for applying a 
service pack that runs for hours and hours and hours to the production 


Christopher Strauss, Ph.D. 
Call Tracking Administration Manager 
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center 

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto: 
arslist@ARSLIST.ORG ] On Behalf Of patrick zandi 
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:49 PM 

To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG 
Subject: Re: ARS 7.6.04 SP2 Solaris installer Oracle db. 


** Yeah::: Upgrades look like they are going to disappear for the create a new 
server and migrate data option soon. 

Most change windows: especially Enterprise wise:: could they really go down for 
5-7 hours? NO! not happening.. 
so My guess is there is some sort of single FIFO job process single Java thread 
into the server needs to be change to something a little more robust. don't 
know what the answer is.. but I can see this as an issue... 

I have 64 CPU's and it took forever.. cpu never went over 6%... had tons of ram 
not sure what the answer is ? BMC Engineering might have a better clue... 

On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:25 PM, Jason Miller < > wrote: 

** Congratulations! 

Could somebody from BMC explain what is happening during this time where 
nothing appears to be happening?  I remember having the same experience during 
the 7.5 to 7.6.04 SP1 upgrade.  The logs do not indicate that anything is 
happening and a db trace shows very little activity.  You just have to hold 
your breath, have faith and hope for the best. 

Below is a snippet of our production upgrade notes the times of each install.  
Fortunately I was able to take the system down for two days because we only had 
three people using this new system for production data (contracts).  We 
finished just a hair past our 9 AM time to return to production (I got lucky). 
Run ARSystem_7604SP1_Windows (5/25/2011  14:02 - 16:00) 
    • A handful of errors: 
        § arerror.log 
            § Wed May 25 15:01:05 2011  390600 : Could not find or read the 
tags file. (ARNOTE 452) 
            § Wed May 25 15:01:05 2011     C:\Program Files\Common Files\AR 
            § Wed May 25 15:02:03 2011  390600 : The value(s) for this entry 
violate a unique index that has been defined for this form (ARERR 382) 
            § Wed May 25 15:02:02 2011  390600 : Creation of an application 
form failed. (ARERR 4550) 
        § An error regarding the email engine. 
Run (5/25/2011  23:17 - 5/26/2011 13:21) 
    • RIK hung at 00:23, acknowledged and process started again at 08:03 
    • Finished without further error 
    • The issues in test with Active Link guides after Atrium Core did not 
happen in production 
    • Create Windows symbolic link to account for AIE directory change 
        § mklink /J "D:\Program Files (x86)\BMC 
Software\AtriumCore\aie\service" "D:\Program Files (x86)\BMC 
Run (5/26/2011  14:00 - 5/27/2011 07:33) 
Run  (5/27/2011  08:07 - 09:02) 
Run  (5/29/2001 23:30 - 5/30/2011 02:04) 
Run / 
(6/4/2011 20:56 - 21:30) 


On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 5:38 AM, patrick zandi < > wrote: 

** ok, it finished: I ran it over night// had several warnings.. but no 

off to the logs..  total time :: 7.5 hours 


On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 3:09 PM, strauss < > wrote: 


My installs are failing after only 70 or 80 minutes.  I cleaned up the first 
defect and it has now failed on another.  Apparently SP2 depends on things that 
failed to happen properly during my 7.6.03 upgrades from earlier versions, so 
it is unable to complete.  Nothing here to instill confidence for planning a 
rapid move to SP2 in the production environment. 


Christopher Strauss, Ph.D. 
Call Tracking Administration Manager 
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center 

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto: 
arslist@ARSLIST.ORG ] On Behalf Of patrick zandi 
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 1:56 PM 

To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG 
Subject: Re: ARS 7.6.04 SP2 Solaris installer Oracle db. 


** OK back at it again::: According to Support::: 

so now I am asking again::: 
ENV: 64 cpu's  32 gig of ram 

How many hours is the task update suppose to take? 6 - 8 - 12 - 24 hours? 
Cause were over 5 already.. 

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 6:11 PM, Patrick Zandi < > wrote: 

So they broke it twice ! Lol 

Sent from my iPhone so typo's or funky words can and do happen! 

On Oct 18, 2011, at 6:02 PM, strauss < > wrote: 


BMC Support indicates that there is a known defect with a view ID that 
basically prevents the ITSM SP2 installer from completing successfully.  It 
looks like it will affect all of my available environments. 


Christopher Strauss, Ph.D. 
Call Tracking Administration Manager 
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center 

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto: 
arslist@ARSLIST.ORG ] On Behalf Of strauss 
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 1:43 PM 
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG 
Subject: Re: ARS 7.6.04 SP2 Solaris installer Oracle db. 



The rik.err error was: 


Definition File (D:\Program Files (x86)\BMC 
 import failed with error code (392) :- (Field/VUI name must be unique for the 
form -- there is already a field or VUI using this name) 


Since there are almost 300 forms in that def file, I’m going to let BMC figured 
out what they did wrong.  The only form I overlaid on the server is HPD:Help 
Desk (one field, Reported Source was given Other as a Default value) and one of 
the 7.6.04 upgrades added an overlay for HPD:HelpDesk_AuditLogSystem, and 
neither of those is in the problematic def file. 


Christopher Strauss, Ph.D. 
Call Tracking Administration Manager 
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center 

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto: 
arslist@ARSLIST.ORG ] On Behalf Of strauss 
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 1:19 PM 
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG 
Subject: Re: ARS 7.6.04 SP2 Solaris installer Oracle db. 



Oh, I doubt that (that there is any hope for me)… my downloads are from last 
week.  The Atrium SP2 applied clean on the second try, but the ITSM SP2 just 
completed with a failure.  So far the SP2 installers are NOT looking good at 


Christopher Strauss, Ph.D. 
Call Tracking Administration Manager 
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center 

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto: 
arslist@ARSLIST.ORG ] On Behalf Of patrick zandi 
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 1:11 PM 
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG 
Subject: Re: ARS 7.6.04 SP2 Solaris installer Oracle db. 


** you will not believe it:: LIKE THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED:::: 

Files uploaded to the download site are BAD::: they just replaced them with the 
correct files yesterday?!? I guess.. 
Go Figure.. 

So I have re reinstall everything Again.. Wonderful.. So there is hope for ya 

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 1:29 PM, Grooms, Frederick W < > wrote: 


Do you have an SQL log??  It looks like it is updating 1 record at a time 





From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto: 
arslist@ARSLIST.ORG ] On Behalf Of patrick zandi 
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 11:57 AM 

To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG 
Subject: Re: ARS 7.6.04 SP2 Solaris installer Oracle db. 



OK, 3 hours of this:::  NOW WHAT>>>???? 


(Oct 18 2011 03:54:07.112 PM 

  LOG EVENT {Description=[Code],Detail=[550]} 

(Oct 18 2011 03:54:07.113 PM 

  LOG EVENT {Description=[Code],Detail=[551]} 

(Oct 18 2011 03:54:07.113 PM 

  LOG EVENT {Description=[Code],Detail=[552]} 

(Oct 18 2011 03:54:07.114 PM 

  LOG EVENT {Description=[Code],Detail=[8303]} 

(Oct 18 2011 03:54:07.115 PM 

  LOG EVENT {Description=[RIK load application 
command],Detail=[/var/tmp/Utilities/rik/rik loadapp -f 
 -m nosamp -x HOSTNAME -t 2106 -u Demo -p ** -l /u01/app/ITSM -n InstallRAF7604 


On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 12:12 PM, patrick zandi < > wrote: 

OK, Atrium core sp2 was not a problem, but I was doing oob install too. 
the bmc itsm overlay install is running now, for over 2 hours... I am getting a 
little concerned.. it appears stuck on task progress, executing.. 
I do not see anything in the /var/tmp files .. I must be missing something.. 
but we shall see.. 


On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 10:14 AM, strauss < > wrote: 


Sounds like you had better luck than I.  I started running the SP2 installs on 
my sample data environment which has been stable on some lightweight 2008 R2 
VMs since 7.5, and was upgraded to 7.6, 7.6.03, 7.6.04, and SP1 without 
incident.  The SP2 ARS installer ran just fine – updated ALL components.  The 
Atrium installer exploded in a shower of sparks and left the system as toast; 
apparently it tried unsuccessfully to restart the AR Service during the 
install, and stopped the service but not the process – which remained connected 
to the SQL Server, and proceeded to spew some of the coolest error messages I 
have seen in a while; here is a selection for your entertainment: 


Mon Oct 17 15:15:26 2011  390600 : Cannot establish a network connection to the 
AR System Plug-In server (ARERR 8760) 

Mon Oct 17 15:15:26 2011     ITSMT01 (9556) BMC.FILTERAPI.NOE : RPC: 
Miscellaneous tli error - System error (Connection refused) 


Mon Oct 17 15:15:45 2011 : Action Request System(R) Server x64 Version 7.6.04 
SP2 201110080614 

(c) Copyright 1991-2011 BMC Software, Inc. 

Mon Oct 17 15:15:45 2011  ProcessMain : Another copy of the server is already 
running on the same RPC socket (ARERR 35) 

Mon Oct 17 15:15:45 2011     d:*program files (x86)*bmc 

Mon Oct 17 15:15:45 2011: AR System server terminated — fatal error occurred in 

Mon Oct 17 16:04:22 2011  390602 : Cannot establish a network connection to the 
AR System Plug-In server (ARERR 8760) 

Mon Oct 17 16:04:22 2011     ITSMT01 (9999) RMDY.ITSM.RKM.FILESYSTEM : RPC: 
Miscellaneous tli error - System error (Connection refused) 

Mon Oct 17 16:04:23 2011  390602 : Cannot establish a network connection to the 
AR System Plug-In server (ARERR 8760) 

Mon Oct 17 16:04:26 2011     ITSMT01 (22701) REMEDY.ARDBC.SERVER.ADMINISTRATION 
: RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error (Connection refused) 


Mon Oct 17 16:06:19 2011  390600 : Cannot establish a network connection to the 
AR System Plug-In server (ARERR 8760) 

Mon Oct 17 16:06:19 2011     ITSMT01 (22701)  : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - 
System error (Connection refused) 

Mon Oct 17 16:06:20 2011  390600 : Cannot establish a network connection to the 
AR System Plug-In server (ARERR 8760) 

Mon Oct 17 16:06:20 2011 (9999) ARSYS.ARF.REGISTRY : RPC: 
Miscellaneous tli error - System error (Connection refused) 

Mon Oct 17 16:06:21 2011  390600 : Cannot establish a network connection to the 
AR System Plug-In server (ARERR 8760) 

Mon Oct 17 16:06:21 2011     ITSMT01 (9556) BMC.FILTERAPI.NOE : RPC: 
Miscellaneous tli error - System error (Connection refused) 

Mon Oct 17 16:06:22 2011  390600 : Cannot establish a network connection to the 
AR System Plug-In server (ARERR 8760) 

Mon Oct 17 16:06:22 2011     ITSMT01 (9999) RMDY.ITSM.RLE : RPC: Miscellaneous 
tli error - System error (Connection refused) 

Mon Oct 17 16:06:23 2011  390600 : Cannot establish a network connection to the 
AR System Plug-In server (ARERR 8760) 

Mon Oct 17 16:06:23 2011 (9998) ARSYS.ARF.FTS : RPC: 
Miscellaneous tli error - System error (Connection refused) 

Mon Oct 17 16:18:06 2011 : Action Request System(R) Server x64 Version 7.6.04 
SP2 201110080614 

(c) Copyright 1991-2011 BMC Software, Inc. 

Mon Oct 17 16:18:07 2011  ProcessMain : Another copy of the server is already 
running on the same RPC socket (ARERR 35) 

Mon Oct 17 16:18:07 2011     d:*program files (x86)*bmc 

Mon Oct 17 16:18:07 2011: AR System server terminated — fatal error occurred in 


So far I am not impressed.  Also, the problem with logging in that I have been 
fighting in Migrator 7.6.04 – all versions since 7.6.03 – was not fixed in SP2, 
so that was no improvement. 


Christopher Strauss, Ph.D. 
Call Tracking Administration Manager 
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center 

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto: 
arslist@ARSLIST.ORG ] On Behalf Of patrick zandi 
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 8:14 AM 
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG 
Subject: Re: ARS 7.6.04 SP2 Solaris installer Oracle db. 


** This was an upgrade from 7.6.04 SP1 -- forgot to mention. 

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 9:05 AM, patrick zandi < > wrote: 

OK folks, 
ARS 7.6.04 SP2 (released Oct 11) - Oracle 11.iR2 
Solaris 10  I installed, and the installer was pretty intelligent, and I had 1 
minor weird issue, and the fix was odd. Where the page is that asked for the 
aradmin and password (put in the password). mine was default for aradmin 
however it did not like it when I got to the page that asked for the system 
password it says the aradmin password was wrong (you would think that was 
already done).. so if you go back 4 - 5 steps and put in the aradmin and 
password, then as you move forward : bang it knows the rest and does it (fairly 
intelligent). Strange but it went through the install without a hitch.. 
I have not see anything like this in a while..  have not tested fully.. but 
wanted you all to know.. we are making progress... 

Thanks BMC 

Patrick Zandi 



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Patrick Zandi 
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Patrick Zandi 
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