For your specific example, we have a customization that was built by a BMC 
contractor that adds worklog entries to Incidents and Changes when the specific 
INC/CRQ number is in the subject of the message. His name is Todd Lazar and is 
likely to be on this list. I have his contact info if not.

In general, I process a ton of email in very complex ways. I then use the email 
engine with the HPD:IncidentInterface_Create for ticket creations. For the mail 
processing I use Procmail on a Linux system which is designed specifically for 
mail processing. It then calls a number of scripts depending on what I want to 
do that generate the formatted email messages to create the tickets with the 
proper settings such as impact, urgency, support group, etc. We use this for 
ticket creation of many automated solutions. Roughly 25% of all our tickets are 
created in this way.

The difficult part was getting the ticket creation script to initially work 
correctly since the documentation wasn’t quite so useful. Once that was done, 
creating rules and using the script was the simple part.

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Jose Huerta
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 4:31 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Complex incomming email processing

** Yes, that was my idea. But not a display only form, but a regular one. To 
store a log of performed actions. Anyway, seems that I'm in the right direction.



On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 13:26, Jlbess 
<<>> wrote:
I typically create a display only form to handle inbound email. Keeping minimal 
customization on the OOB forms. Just a push field filter from AR System Email 
Messages. You can then use the custom form to pull data, parse, configure, and 
push anything where you need it to go without any OOB customization.


On Apr 16, 2012, at 7:07 AM, Jose Huerta 
<<>> wrote:
Hi all,

I want to receive email from users, perform complex evaluations on it, and act 

For instance, If a pattern like INC____________ is found, then look for the 
incident, add the content of the email as a work info, where the sender must be 
the user corresponding to the sender address, and generate a response email. If 
not, send an error mail.

Well, My idea is to config an email inbox without parsing and create filters on 
AR System Email Messages form. Don't know if it's the better approach. Comments 
or suggestions?

Parsing engine at the email engine seems to be insufficient, because users can 
use a lot of formats.


Jose Huerta
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