This nagging limitation led me to check all other different keywords that
may not be completely compatible or do not work correctly on the Mid-Tier
and I found 2 others that might need some more work on them to be more


$APPLICATION$ is set to NULL when the URL does not have the application name
in it. Arguably this one could be considered as designed as perhaps that
might be the only way for the client to know what application launched that


$BROWSER$ returns "Netscape" irrespective of what browser you use IF it is
not Internet Explorer.. Useful to an extent, but not completely if you need
for whatever reasons to do something lets say specifically on Chrome but not
on FireFox. This one could definitely get some more work from engineering to
at least recognize the most popular browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox,
Omni, Dolphin and an Unknown for all others..


I wonder how useful would a keyword $BROWSERVERSION$ be...


Does AR System 8.x address any of the above???




PS: The statements made above were w.r.t AR System version 7.6.04 or below..



From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Longwing, Lj
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 5:32 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Sort of a Rant: Quote from Dev Studio Help - "Web applications
do not support the $FIELDHEL$ keyword" - WHY???



Based on the further analysis by Fred...I withdraw my hypothesis...I was
shooting from the can miss quite often like that :D LOL....


On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Joe D'Souza <> wrote:


@@: LJ Longwing,


That sounds like it may probably be the reason why they may have not
included $FIELDHELP$ (good reverse analysis..) - except that the help
cumulatively does get loaded and can be seen if you press the Help toolbar
if made available on the Mid-Tier on the form (see Fredrick's related email)


Hypothetically assuming you are right on the reason, I think they should
implement it anyway, and leave it to the developer to decide if he wants to
or not have help associated with his objects. Let the developer worry about
its impact to the system as afar as performance is concerned. Let it be
known that the more help you have associated with your fields and your
forms, the thicker they get and the bigger your network packets would get.


@@: Fredrick Grooms

Yes I did notice that the Help on the toolbar does load ALL the help defined
on all the fields of the form. So that makes you wonder why wasn't it
available for $FIELDHELP$ if the Help was available in that generic way.


@@: Natlalie

I concur completely. Not making a feature available altogether for
performance reasons (IF that is the reason why it was not made available)
sound unreasonable. Again I know LJ is only sporting a guess (a good one at
that), its like implementing a hard limit to number of searches you can
develop in set field if or push field if actions because searches if
implemented badly could be a dangerous thing too.. But then how useful would
a system be if such a limitation were imposed?




PS: I'm now really curious to know why this is not available now!



From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Longwing, Lj

Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 4:09 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG

Subject: Re: Sort of a Rant: Quote from Dev Studio Help - "Web applications
do not support the $FIELDHEL$ keyword" - WHY???



No, I don't know the answer to which you seek...but I can hypothesize?....:) field help can be 'bulky' at times....and the client (web browser)
doesn't keep a copy of the form in question in the same way that the user
tool to try to keep the communication size between
client/mid-tier/server as small as possible, as well as keep the Mid-Tier
cache smaller, it was decided to not include the 'help' for each and every
field on each and every form in cache, and transferred across the wire


just a guess though...I certainly don't work for, nor represent BMC on this,
nor ANY matter....but my explanation makes sense to ME :)


On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Joe D'Souza <> wrote:


Does anyone know the reason why the Mid-Tier is unable to support the
$FIELDHELP$ keyword? The help on this keyword states that "Web applications
do not support the $FIELDHELP$ keyword; it returns NULL."


Any reason why this would have been hard to implement on the Mid-Tier?


I was hoping to use it on a very small form wherein I could set $FIELDHELP$
to a temp display only field on every gain focus action of a field,
displaying the help of that field in that display only field. Works like a
charm on the User tool, however it does not on the Mid-Tier because of this
said limitation of the said keyword.


With the impending slow death of the thick client, it would have been nice
to have features such as this available at the Mid-Tier level as well.


If you ask me this feature would have been more useful on the web for
intuitive field help for a end user, than it is on a native thick client..



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