Thanks for the comments, Bernhard. I'll combine the features you mentioned and post another set soon...under LGPL licence, of course!

BTW, about Arthur Buijs's comment that my previous posts had type that are more bold than the official logo''s because I had been using my squished Bitstream Vera version of the "" device by mistake. Now there's a wee trivia for y'all. 8)


Bernhard Dippold wrote:

Hi Gerry,

I like your last OEM label - it really refers to the "official logo".

Perhaps it could be combined with the 3D impression (rounded borders)
from your first proposals?

Please mention in a comment to the issue that you license your work
under an open license (I would prefer LGPL, but if you want to, you may
use PDL as well), so we can include it in the galleries.

Best regards

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