

The key question here seems to be: will the cross-talk between the clock line 
and the digital communications lines be sufficiently bad to prevent one from 
recovering a low-noise analog clock from a reference signal sent over the 
backplane? If it is then we will want an external clock, otherwise we won’t.


Well, We will recover the clock for sure, the question is how clean it will be.


It seems to me that the answer is likely to be that, while there will be a 
significant level of cross-talk -- particularly at higher frequencies--, it 
shouldn’t be sufficiently bad to prevent one from recovering a clean clock. Let 
me make the following naïve argument, and maybe you can point out where I am 


All depends what you define as clean clock.

You can use it to drive 16bit ADCs in wideband mode, but if you want high SFDR, 
it could be impossible.


In short, the argument will be this: we will model the digital communication as 
a constant stream of random data, with a white noise power spectral density 
(PSD). As a result, the effect of cross-talk will be to increase the phase 
noise of the 10MHz analog clock. We will estimate this phase noise contribution 
and compare it to the phase noise of the DAC chip to see if it’s significant. 
In detail:


1)    Let’s assume that our reference clock frequency is 10MHz

2)    Assume that on the AMC/FMC board we lock a 100MHz VCXO to the 10MHz with 
a 1kHz loop bandwidth

3)    We are only sensitive to cross-talk-induced noise at offset frequencies 
of <~1kHz from the 10MHz reference, since higher offset frequencies are 
attenuated by the loop. 

4)    To avoid degrading the DAC’s performance, we would thus like the noise on 
the 10MHz signal to be lower than -155dBc/Hz, corresponding to the DAC’s noise 
@ 1kHz offset frequency, scaled to a 10MHz carrier.

5)    Let’s assume that we do all our backplane communication at 2GSPS and that 
we send a constant stream of data.

6)    Assume that all communication data is properly scrambled, so that its 
power spectrum is approximately white.

7)    Further, make the approximation that all power from the digital 
communication lines is contained within a bandwidth between DC and 1GHz (the 
Nyquist frequency for the digital communications clock).

8)    From (6) and (7) the power spectral density (PSD) for the backplane data 
is roughly -90dBc/Hz, taking our reference (0dBc) to be the power in the 10MHz 
reference clock signal (i.e. we assume the same power in both signals, but that 
the digital communication power is spread over a wide bandwidth due to 

This we can try to measure on existing MTCA backplane


9)    Assuming a DC-balanced line encoding, the PSD for the communication data 
will actually roll-off at low frequencies. A quick-and-dirty MatLab simulation 
based on a PRBS of data @2GHz, encoded using 8b10b, suggests that the roll-off 
should be >30dB @ 10MHz

10)  As a result, so long as the cross-talk between the clock line and the 
digital communication lines (i.e. the S12 between the clock line and the data 
lines) for a 10MHz signal  is <~35dB (which would be extremely bad for a 10MHz 
signal!) no degradation of the DAC’s performance is expected as a result of 
cross-talk-related noise. In a well-designed backplane, the cross-talk should 
be far less than this @10MHz (see, e.g.  
 where the cross-talk was measured to be <60dB at 10MHz). Note that we are only 
sensitive to the cross-talk at frequencies close to 10MHz, since higher 
frequencies (e.g. 1GHz) can easily be filtered off. Thus, the fact that the 
cross-talk will be worse at higher frequencies isn’t a problem for us.

11)  Note that, in practice, most of the time the signal would actually just be 
a repeated ‘,’ (idle) as the volume of data is expected to be relatively low. 
The spectrum for the idle signal has no power at 10MHz at all (it’s periodic), 
so point (8) is actually probably very pessimistic

Maybe we could try to stop all the data transfer during critical operations ?


This is obviously just a quick order-of-magnitude calculation, but it does 
suggest that we should be able to get away with distributing the analog clock 
over the backplane if we’re careful with how we do our digital communication. 
As I said, we’re currently building hardware to test how well this works in 
practice though…


Note that to minimize EMI/cross-talk, it’s likely to be important to use a 
high-frequency communication clock. This could be a strong reason to consider 
using GTX for backplane communication...


Indeed, in this way we could move the noise spectrum much higher, where it’s 
easier to filter it out.





From: kaspr...@gmail.com <mailto:kaspr...@gmail.com>  
[mailto:kaspr...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Grzegorz Kasprowicz
Sent: 08 April 2016 11:34
To: Thomas Harty
Cc: Slichter, Daniel H. (Fed); artiq@lists.m-labs.hk 
Subject: Re: [ARTIQ] FW: initial specification of the project



tl;dr: distributing a reference clock at something like 10MHz-100MHz over the 
backplane, and generating the required DAC/upconverter clocks locally using 
VCOs seems to be by far the nicest, most scalable and flexible solution. There 
are, however, potential issues with phase drift/noise which could cause 
problems with this approach. However, I'm not convinced that there aren't 
equally difficult problems with any other approach. And, in any case, I'm 
optimistic that this won't be the case and the VCOs will be fine. We've started 
doing some tests on this and have more planned, and hope to have at least a 
partial answer soon.

1) You're right that for the most critical applications the single-loop PLL I 
described previously could start to become a limitation (although, we did gates 
with 99.9999% fidelity with a clock source that had a noise level pretty 
similar to the VCO I suggested). In practice, one would probably want to go for 
a 2-loop solution anyway to avoid having such a high divider ratio (240) in a 
single loop, which can lead to a significant noise contribution from the PFD 
(scales as 10log10(N) ).

That's why I proposed dual PLL solution. In this way we can either use 
backplane clock or switch to external DAC and RF clocks deliver via MMCX 

An example 2-loop PLL might be: begin by locking a 100MHz VCO to the 10MHz 
backplane-distributed reference using a lock bandwidth of ~1kHz. This loop 
would be designed to "clean up" the 10MHz reference clock by rejecting 
cross-talk, and needs to use a VCO with extremely good close-in phase noise. A 
choice of VC(S)O could be a Crystek CVSS-945 ($20 in single quantity from 
 although, there are fancier options if one really wants to push things). One 
would then lock the 2.4GHz VCO to the 100MHz with a loop bandwidth of ~500kHz.

For jitter cleaning we use good VCXOs from Crystek. You can look at FMC ADC 
250M ch4 design. THere is Crstek VCXO synchronized by backplane clock and in 
parallel, possibility to deliver the clock from MMCX to ADCs via passivle clock 

In this system, the phase noise should be within ~20dB of the Wenzel 1GHz 
oscillator at all frequencies, with the VCO and Wenzel oscillator being 
comparable by ~1MHz. This does assume that the PLL doesn't degrade the VCO 
noise significantly, which is something we plan to test.

well, you don't have to pass it via PLL chip. YOu can split the VCO output 

While it's more engineering work to design and test this system, it's work that 
can be done once on a prototype board and then copied into the final design. 
I'd generally prefer that to requiring each user to sort out their own external 
oscillator, power splitters, amps, cables, etc.

Assuming we can get close to the VCO data sheet noise, I can't see the 
difference between the VCOs and Wenzel oscillator being significant, 
particularly given that...

2) Distributing the Wenzel oscillator's signal without degrading its phase 
noise is going to be pretty tough. For example, the best clock distribution IC 
that I know of is the HMC830. Looking at figure 22 of its data sheet suggests 
that even this IC will degrade the Wenzel oscillator's phase noise 
considerably. In general, clock switches tend to be far worse than this (which 
is one reason that I'd really rather not put a switch in the clock path to 
select between the front-panel and backplane clocks). I wouldn't trust a 
switch/distribution IC to work at those phase noise levels unless its data 
sheet explicitly gave a phase noise plot. 

Did you think about passive splitting? 

A similar remark goes for the ERA-4SM amplifier you suggest using on the DACs 
output. For close-in phase noise, amplifier noise figure is meaningless. In 
general, for work where phase noise really matters, no amplifiers should be 
used unless their datasheet actually gives a phase noise plot -- and I 
certainly wouldn't trust a cheap MCL "general purpose" Darlington amp with my 
Wenzel oscillator without some careful measurements!

3) The DAC's phase noise contribution is going to be worse than the locked 
VCO's noise (compare the 100MHz trace on figure 33 of the AD9154 data sheet to 
the VCO datasheets) for all frequencies above 1kHz. Below 1kHz, the locked 
VCO's noise should be reduced close to the level of the 10MHz reference source, 
which could be a Wenzel oscillator if one wants. FWIW, the situation is the 
same even using something like an AD9914, which is about the lowest noise 
digital RF source I've seen. 

Similarly, before one gets _too_ worried about the possibility of a few 
residual cross-talk spurs near the noise floor on the DAC clock, let's see what 
the DAC's output spectrum actually looks like. (but then, maybe I'm just 
scarred by the forest of low-level spurs on our current DDS boards...)

do you have a devkit for this DDS? Maybe we can buy one and do the measurement. 
I have a few spectrum analysers, up to tens of GHz 

4) In practice, I think that very low-level phase noise isn't going to be the 
thing that stops us all getting gate errors <1e-6. For example, I'd guess that 
duty-cycle-dependent thermal amplitude/phase transients in the DAC/amplifier 
will be far more of a problem in practice. Obviously, that's not a reason to be 
sloppy about the clock noise, but it does mean that it's probably not worth 
complicating the external wiring by introducing an external oscillator just to 
save a few dB...

Fully agree. But we should do our best to not to degrade the clock 
distribution. We should not close the option to connect external clock either. 


As you say, one could distribute a 1GHz reference over the backplane as well as 
the 10MHz. While this can be a good idea in some situations, I don't think it 
would help in our case because:
5) In practice, it's likely one would end up dividing the 1GHz reference down 
to ~100MHz on the AMC anyway, so we'd loose the benefits one typically gets 
from using a higher frequency reference. 

In case of AMC backplane, the limitation lies on MCH clock circuit. The 
isolation between digital links and clock lines is not very high and it 
degrades quickly with frequency. That's why we developed dedicated RF backplane 
to freely distribute low noise RF clocks. 

One obvious reason for the need to divide is that the 2.4GHz DAC clock isn't an 
integer multiple of 1GHz. As a result, we'd need to use a frac-N PLL, which 
would essentially just divide the 1GHz reference down to something like 200MHz 
before multiplying back up to 2.4GHz.

A second reason we'd need to divide the 1GHz is that (unless backplane 
cross-talk turns out not to be too much of a problem) we will want a 
narrow-bandwidth "clean-up" PLL to remove pickup from the reference clock. 
Given the low bandwidth of this loop, it'll need a VCO with extremely good 
close-in phase noise. My understanding is that the best close-in phase noise 
always comes from VCSOs in the ~10MHz-100MHz range. Because of this, I think 
that a 2-loop solution with the first loop running at around 100MHz is going to 
give the best performance. So, again, we'd want to divide the 1GHz reference 
down to ~100MHz on the AMC/FMC board.

exactly, use 100MHz VCXO with good phase noise in Hz..kHz range and then VCO. 

Note that, while it's tempting to assume that division will reduce the phase 
noise by 20*log10(n), at these low phase noise levels that's not a given due to 
the divider's noise floor. This can take away much of the benefit of using the 
higher frequency reference in the first place.

yes, exactly. 

It's also nice to avoid dividers as far as possible, as they introduce phase 
ambiguities. If sufficient care isn't taken, this will prevent deterministic 
synchronisation of the RF output phases across different boards. To avoid this, 
one has to pick a divider that can be externally reset accurately and think 
carefully about how/when it is reset.This isn't the end of the world, but isn't 

Indeed. The clock dividers introduce additional phase delay on input and output 

6) The only major benefit of the 1GHz clock that I can see is that one is 20dB 
(40dB) less sensitive to pickup on the backplane compared with 100MHz (10MHz) 
reference due to the lower multiplication factor. However:


a) I'd expect this improvement to be at least partially cancelled out by the 
fact that pickup/channel-channel cross-talk will generally be worse at higher 
b) At higher frequencies the backplane losses can start to become significant. 
To achieve optimum phase noise performance from a clock buffer, one has to be 
careful to maintain a good input level (6dB can make a difference here). 

Todays AMC backplanes are optimized for 10GBit links over several tens of cm.

So 1GHz won't be seriously affected, at least not by 6dB.


b) In practice, it's likely to be far more important to consider how much noise 
we expect at the different frequencies; the big win will come from putting the 
clock at a frequency which nothing else in the backplane runs at. It's not 
clear to me that 1GHz is better from this perspective than 10MHz (see point 7).
c) In any case, I expect (hope) that backplane cross-talk won't actually be an 
issue at all if we design our loop filters properly and think about what 
signals we send down the backplane, (again see point 7)

remember that AMC backplane insulation degrades quickly with frequency! 

If the residual cross-talk on the "cleaned" 100MHz signal turns out to be an 
issue when using a 10MHz reference frequency, it may be worth switching to a 
100MHz reference frequency. My preference for 10MHz isn't that strong, and just 
stems from the fact that 10MHz is so ubiquitous and there is so much 
high-quality 10MHz kit around. But, one could always distribute 10MHz between 
racks and put a 100MHz VCSO + PLL on the MCH to generate the 100MHz system 

Indeed, we can do it. Remember that on MCH we have full size board just for 
clock distribution.

Attached is another project that I do with NAT in this field :)

This may inspire you. 

7) Okay, the next point is even further outside my area of expertise than the 
rest of this email, so feel free to call BS on this one, but: it's important 
when choosing the backplane clock frequency to consider the spectrum of the 
noise we're trying to avoid. If we encode all data going down the backplane 
using (e.g.) 8b/10b then the signals should be contained in the range f_clk/2 
to f_clk/10, where f_clk is the digital communication clock frequency. The 
upper frequency here is obtained for data that transitions on every clock 
cycle, while the lower limit is for data that consists of a a run of 5 0s or 1s 
(the longest allowed by the encoding). As a result, there should be effectively 
no noise below f_clk/10.

But remember that even such signal will interfere with our clock. Of course we 
can easily attenuate 10GHz/10 noise on 10MHz signal but we won't get rid of it 

Even if we restrict ourselves to _only_ using GTX at 10GSPS then this is only 
just not an issue for the 1GHz clock. While, a 10MHz clock should be okay for 
any communication data rate above 100MHz, which works well for standard LVDS.


Aside from noise-related issues, I'd generally prefer to avoid using an 
externally generated DAC clock because:
8) We're quite keen that our next generation hardware should support 
deterministic board-board phase synchronisation. In other words: suppose one 
programs the same RF frequency onto DACs on different FMC boards. We would like 
the phase relationship between the RF outputs to be unchanged by power-cycling 
the hardware (or just re-running the synchronisation routine). The ways we've 
thought about achieving this rely on the DAC clock being edge-aligned with the 
system reference clock (which the RTIO clock is generated from). This is hard 
to guarantee if the DAC clock is generated externally. Is this kind of 
synchronisation something you guys have thought about much? Do you have a plan 
for how you're going to do it?


In case of backplane, there is available WR-compatible version that I mentioned 
in the datasheet I atached.

It has all the clocks equalized between MCH and AMC with 20ps accuracy.

So providing that we use identical AMCs it should do the job.

But anyway, maybe we should provide option to calibrate the phase delay on each 

Many PLL chips have such feature. 


9) Your point about phase drift is a good one; this is actually one of the 
things that I think will be most crucial to get right in the new hardware. 

a) As you comment, it's not that scalable
b) Related to (a), it doesn't seem future-proof either: you are assuming that 
we won't ever want to use a second RF clock? But, what if, e.g. at some point 
you want to upgrade to a DAC running at a different (higher) frequency, but 
don't want to bin all your existing hardware? If this happens, a second 
external oscillator is needed and the solution gets messier. But, beyond that, 
one becomes sensitive to the phase drifts between the two different external 
oscillators. In the past, I've seen significant (>10deg over something like 20 
mins, after 24hrs of warmup) phase drifts between the 3GHz outputs of high-end 
Agilent synths that are nominally phase-locked together at 10MHz. Presumably 
this comes from the fact that these sources are designed with phase noise at 
frequencies above, say 1Hz, in mind, rather than long term drift. Now, I'd 
expect the Wenzel Oscillator to be better on that front (simpler than a synth 
so less to drift). But I'd still want to test it.
c) You're assuming that passive clock distribution is always more stable than 
active. That's definitely true if one uses run of the mill components. But, 
compare e.g. the temp co of an ADCLK950 (50fs/K) to the channel-channel phase 
drifts of many MCL passive splitters. The splitters I've looked at have been 
worse than this. I think that in general, active or passive, this is a tough 
d) The advantage of keeping all clock generation on board is that it can be 
tested as part of the design. If phase drifts turn out to be a problem, the 
design can be refined or small regions can be ovenized until the drifts are 
acceptable. Once that's done, everyone who uses the hardware knows what they're 
getting, without having to test their own external oscillators.


In case of MTCA crate, we can try to stabilize the temperature inside to limit 
temperature effects. We have quite advanced temperature management inside.

Best regards,



Sorry that was such a long one! But, that about covers my thoughts on clock 
distribution. I'd be interested to know what you think.



P.S. Acknowledgement: many of the better ideas in the above are due to Weida 
Zhang and Chris Ballance...


From: Slichter, Daniel H. (Fed) [daniel.slich...@nist.gov 
<mailto:daniel.slich...@nist.gov> ]
Sent: 01 April 2016 22:02
To: Thomas Harty; artiq@lists.m-labs.hk <mailto:artiq@lists.m-labs.hk> 
Subject: RE: FW: initial specification of the project

These are good thoughts, Tom, thanks for sending this detailed message.  I 
imagine Greg will have some insights and measurements as well from Creotech’s 
experience in building the RF distribution backplane for the RTMs.  A few 
comments inline below:


Take the 2.4GHz DAC clock as an example. A decent (relatively small and 
inexpensive) choice of VCO for the PLL might be a UMX-630-D16-G ( 
 To get an idea of the lock bandwidth required, we can compare the phase noise 
of this VCO with a typical high-quality lab 10MHz source, such as a SRS FS725 
Rubidium Standard ( <http://www.thinksrs.com/products/FS725.htm> 
http://www.thinksrs.com/products/FS725.htm) scaled from 10MHz to 2.4GHz by 
adding 20*log10(240)=48dB. By 10kHz offset frequency, the typical VCO noise is 
-108dBc/Hz, compared with a (scaled) noise for the FS725 of ~-105dBc/Hz. Beyond 
that, the VCO is significantly better*.

For good phase noise performance, one is better off distributing a higher 
frequency clock.  For example, use an external 1 GHz crystal or oscillator 
disciplined to a 10 MHz atomic reference with low loop bandwidth.  The phase 
noise at 1 GHz at 10 kHz offset for these sorts of things can be -160 dBc/Hz 
(e.g. Wenzel GMXO-PLD), which is substantially better than the scaled 
(multiplied) phase noise from an FS725 rubidium standard (-115 dBc/Hz @ 1 GHz, 
10 kHz offset).  Now you are way below the phase noise from the VCO, which 
would be -116 dBc/Hz scaled at 1 GHz.  And the VCO you quote is a particularly 
fancy one because it is disciplined to an onboard CRO already, so one is not 
likely to find a substantially better VCO.


How much will this level of phase noise affect things?  If we go with -96 
dBc/Hz at 10 GHz (scaled), assuming a VCO, we can compare with Fig 2 in 
http://arxiv.org/abs/1602.04551.  This would put us about a third of the way 
from the “lab-grade” at -75 dbc/Hz to the “precision” at -130 dBc/Hz.  This 
frequency offset corresponds to ~100 us operation times, so the phase noise 
would give an infidelity of about 10^-4 per gate there.  Taking the 100 kHz 
offset, we have -118 dBc/Hz at 10 GHz with VCO, which is about 2/3 of the way 
from “lab grade” to “precision” and would limit gate fidelity to a few times 
10^-6 per gate at ~10 us gate times.  This is obviously a very coarse way of 
ballparking things, because one has to look at the entire spectrum, especially 
the integrated power in the white noise floor, but it gives a rough figure of 


Given this admittedly very coarse analysis, I would prefer to at least have the 
option to pipe in a nice low-noise external clock directly, although it seems a 
backplane clock (especially if one distributes a higher frequency on the 
backplane) could work for many applications.

Presumably, your concern is some combination of:

a) We won't be able to build a PLL on the AMC/FMC board which has good enough 
phase noise @2.4GHz, regardless of the quality of the 10MHz reference we feed it


This is one concern, but it appears the chip you suggest could get us decent 
phase noise for many applications.

b) The PLL won't do a good enough job of removing noise on the reference clock 
far outside the loop bandwidth (say, outside the range 9MHz - 11MHz if one 
wants to be pessimistic)


If you have a really good onboard oscillator that you are only disciplining 
with the backplane reference, this is not so much of an issue.  But this then 
requires substantially more engineering.

c) Even with a narrow-bandwidth (~1kHz) PLL with carefully chosen loop filter, 
and taking care over what other signals we send down the backplane, there will 
be too much pickup on the clock line close to 10MHz that can't be filtered off


This is potentially an issue.  

d) Something else I'm missing?


If each board in a crate has its own PLL, you will have more phase drift 
between the outputs of separate cards than if you distribute the DAC clock 
directly to all boards from a single source.  Obviously the direct clock 
distribution doesn’t scale to many crates, but you would at least know that an 
entire crate’s worth of DACs are fully synchronized, as opposed to just one AMC 
card’s worth.

If you have any measurements relevant to this, I'd be interested to see them. 
We're currently building hardware, one purpose of which will be to test how 
well we can generate a low phase noise 1GHz DDS clock from a 10MHz signal 
distributed down a uTCA backplane.

Creotech probably have some measurements of this from when they built their RF 
backplane for the RTMs; I don’t have any data of my own.  Glad you are doing 
some testing of your own.  I would see if you can’t distribute the 1 GHz clock 
directly and use the PLL for cleanup only?

* Of course, actually achieving this noise level will require some work in 
terms of simulation/testing the PLL design, and may need a multi-loop PLL to 
prevent the high divider ratio from causing problems with the PFD...


This issue can be substantially ameliorated by distributing a higher frequency 
clock (e.g. 1 GHz) on the backplane as described above.




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