
if not needed, perhaps we could simply remove the less accurate Kuntz
lineshapes, and just keep the Kuntz6 one?

OK for me.

And in general, things like this should be documented in some manner. For example, could it be marked in abs_lineshapeDefine what lineshapes that supports Jacobians?

That said, is it not a bit odd that to find a definition of linesshapes you need to do:

arts -d abs_lineshapeDefine

and not

arts -d abs_lineshape

? At least I tried the last version first when updating my memory.




On 31 Mar 2016, at 17:25, Richard Larsson <ric.lars...@gmail.com>

Hello Ole,

Yeah, it is because we moved a lot of the partial derivatives to
lower levels.  You are asking for a partial derivative of something
that requires knowing the partial derivative of the line shape with
respect to your variable.  This is trivial if the function returns
the phase shift but not so trivial otherwise.  In short, it
requires a numerical implementation for the faster line shapes.

The only faster line shape with a numerical implementation so far
is Voigt_Kuntz6.  Can you change this to be your line shape?


2016-03-31 16:18 GMT+02:00 Ole Martin Christensen
<olemartin.christen...@misu.su.se>: I trying to rerun some old code
got the following error message from my arts today:

Run-time error in controlfile:

Run-time error in method: yCalc
Run-time error in function: iyb_calc Run-time error in agenda:
iy_main_agenda Run-time error in method: iyEmissionStandard
Run-time error in agenda: propmat_clearsky_agenda Run-time error in
method: propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly Run-time error in agenda:
abs_xsec_agenda Run-time error in method:
abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines This is an error message. You are
using Voigt_Kuntz3. Your selected *jacobian_quantities* requires
that the line shape returns partial derivatives. Stopping ARTS
execution. Goodbye.

anyone know why?

Ole Martin

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