Hi Renish,

I have to correct Patrick here, pyarts has been revived and is now the official 

interface for ARTS. To use the Python interface you have two options:

  1.  Build the ARTS development version and the install the pyarts package in 
the python directory
  2.  Install pyarts using pip

Option 1 has the advantage of installing also the ARTS interpreter itself, i.e. 
the arts command
line program as well as the example files, which could help you to get started. 
With option two
you will be able to use ARTS only through the Python interface.

Hope this helps to get you started. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have 
any other



From: arts_users.mi-boun...@mailman.rrz.uni-hamburg.de 
<arts_users.mi-boun...@mailman.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> on behalf of Patrick 
Eriksson <patrick.eriks...@chalmers.se>
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 11:21:03 PM
To: Thomas,Renish; arts_users.mi@lists.uni-hamburg.de
Subject: Re: [arts-users] IWP in ARTS


If you are familiar with python, or want to be, I recommend that you
switch to it. In python you have access to a proper interface to ARTS,
and you can run it truly interactively. And you can get more help. I am
the only one of the core developers that still is using matlab.

It is then Typhon ypu should look at. Not PyARTS, it's old.



On 2020-08-13 21:12, Thomas,Renish wrote:
> Thanks Patrick for the clarification,
> I saw one of the Atmlab scattering demo examples which uses IWP as an
> input, which later is converted to PND (Partcile Number Density) before
> calling ARTS.
> I am still trying to use Atmlab for scattering calculations with
> particle size distributions with a cloud box, due to the ease of using
> Matlab.
> Do  you recommend a better way? like PyARTS or using ARTS by itself for
> scattering calculations?
> Thanks,
> Renish Thomas
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Patrick Eriksson <patrick.eriks...@chalmers.se>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 11, 2020 8:29 AM
> *To:* Thomas,Renish <renish.tho...@colostate.edu>;
> arts_users.mi@lists.uni-hamburg.de
> <arts_users...@mailman.rrz.uni-hamburg.de>
> *Subject:* Re: [arts-users] IWP in ARTS
> Dear Renish,
> ARTS does not take IWP, TWP etc as input. You need to specify e.g. IWC,
> LWC, humidity ...
> And the specification of the atmospheric profiles is independent of the
> observation geometry. You specify the profiles as a function of pressure.
> Not clear how you are running ARTS by Atmlab. Please note that qarts
> (and qpack even less) is mainly for calculations without scattering. You
> can do scattering calculations but then you really need to know how ARTS
> is working.
> Bye,
> Patrick
> On 2020-08-10 22:22, Thomas,Renish wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I had a question about how ARTS treats integrated water path ( IWP ).
>> *My simulation setup*:
>> I am trying to sense a cloud box , with the sensor looking forward. (i.e
>> elevation 0 degrees). I am using ARTS with Atmlab.
>> *My questions:*
>> *a). *How to calculate IWP/LWP (which is an input for ARTS) for the case
>> of horizontal sounding of an extended cloud. Or how to use droplet
>> density as an input instead of IWP.
>> *b). *Can i give IWP as an input for all elevations?  Does the radiative
>> transfer calculations in these cases behave properly for off zenith and
>> off nadir look angles.
>> As i believe  LWP = TPW for the case of nadir-zenith sensing of an
>> entire atmosphere.
>> *LWP*(Liquid Water Path)
>> *TPW*(Total Precipitable Water)
>> Cheers,
>> Renish
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