Thanks, Patrick for your reply.

I am using ARTS 2.2 as I am having problems getting the latest version to run.  
This is not ideal, I'd rather run the most recent version, but I am finding an 
error message "[module] requires the language dialect "cxx17" , but cmake does 
not know the compile flags to use to enable it.".  I've updated all my 
compilers, but does not seem to fix this issue. If anyone has any experience 
with this then do let me know.

Anyway, version 2.2 runs for clear-sky, so until I get the later version going 
this is fine.  I have compiled with fortran options to enable the Tmatrix code, 
and I can use it to produce single scattering xml files.  These however, do not 
appear to be the format needed by the test file TestDOIT, and I am getting xml 
syntax errors reported.

If there are any other sources of information out there with a few more 
detailed examples on how to use this for clouds, I would really interested to 
see them.



From: Patrick Eriksson <>
Sent: 20 August 2022 19:00
To: Cox, Caroline (STFC,RAL,RALSP) <>; <>
Subject: Re: [arts-users] ART question- sim 1D cloud


If you are using ARTS v2.2, the simplest way to obtain scattering data
in the correct format should be to use the Tmatrix code coming with
ARTS. This could need that you set some compilation flag.

Long time since I used v2.2. The method I talk about is now called
scat_data_singleTmatrix. I think it had the same name in v2.2, but I am
not sure.



On 2022-08-18 16:35, Caroline Cox - STFC UKRI wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently using ARTS2.2 to do simulations of cloud in the
> microwave.  I have a question that I hope someone can help with.
> I have run though the clear sky example cases, and now I am trying to do
> a 1D simulation of cloud.  I've looked at the test DOIT example, and can
> run that example, but now I want to be able to run one for my own
> frequency range.  As I understand it, I need to produce a Single
> Scattering xml file for the appropriate frequency and
> particle\temperature ranges.  In the Test Doit example it uses the file
> 'p30f229-231T214-225r100NP-1ar1_5ice'.  How do I produce a file like
> this?  I have run the python code demo_ssp4arts to produce SSP xml
> files, but these are not an equivalent format to that needed in TestDOIT
> and I get an xml parse error.  I can't find any information about this
> in the code\documentation.
> Thanks
> Caroline
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