Hello Mengqi,

Am 17.10.22 um 16:33 schrieb Xia Mengqi:

Hi Freddy,

Thank you so much and this is very helpful! Just to make sure I fully understand how to use it in the code -- According to ARTS output, it seems I need to provide the skin temperature as well. I noticed that in one provided example it has "

ws.ArrayOfStringSet(ws.surface_props_names, ["Skin temperature"])
    ws.Tensor3SetConstant(ws.surface_props_data, 1, nlat, nlon, ws.t_field.value[0, 0, 0])"

I'm wondering if there is a simple way to do this for 1D.

so far you cannot use a 1d atmosphere for simulation with a direct source like the sun because the atmosphere dimension and (radiative transfer) geometry are coupled in ARTS. Since you have a zenith and an azimuth dependency for simulation with a direct source, you have to use a 3d atmosphere in ARTS as simulation of 1d atmospheres have only zenith dependency in ARTS.

Also, is it possible to just not include surface emission?
No, but you can set the surface temperature to a small value greter than 0 K. This would have a similar effect.



Dr. Manfred Brath
Radiation and Remote Sensing
Meteorological Institute
Universität Hamburg
Bundesstraße 55
D-20146 Hamburg
Room 1535

Tel: +49 40 42838-8786

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