Stuart Rackham wrote:
> Nice work guys!
> I tried it out on the ./doc/asciidoc.txt file which pretty well makes
> use of all AsciiDoc syntax. Worked well up to:
>          acute accents to the right\'' are rendered in quotation marks.
> At which point all text following the two single quotes was blue (hit
> ^L to refesh and fix).
> - Is there any reason for adoc instead of asciidoc? Personally I
>    prefer asciidoc rather than creating another name. I'd also prefer
>    to stick with the existing .txt extension for AsciiDoc source files.
>    Surely there are ways to have Vim automagically detect file types
>    other than just file extensions?

The Vim filetypes mechanism should work here, or just put:

// vim: set syntax=adoc:

As the last line in your source file.

> - Is it possible to highlight the whole of the title (not just the
>    underline)?
> - It would be nice to highlight the various block delimiters.
> Great stuff though and I'd be really keen to put it in the next
> release once you're ready to release it.
> BTW I had to :set ff=unix and write the file on my Linux box else I
> got the following errors:
> Error detected while processing /home/srackham/.vim/syntax/adoc.vim:
> line    3:
> E492: Not an editor command: ^M
> line    4:
> E15: Invalid expression: version < 600^M
> line   76:
> E171: Missing :endif
> Cheers, Stuart
> Dag Wieers wrote:
>> On Sat, 3 Feb 2007, Felix Obenhuber wrote:
>>> On 03 Feb 07 - 13:32, Dag Wieers wrote:
>>>> Is there a way to make this happen ? Eventually I did ':set syntax=adoc' 
>>>> and that gave me some colors.
>>> I'm using
>>> autocmd BufNewFile *.txt            source ~/.vim/txt.vimrc
>>> autocmd BufRead    *.txt            source ~/.vim/txt.vimrc
>>> to get the vim adjustments described at the asciidoc site and to 
>>> set syn=adoc
>>> so the file is expected as syntax file... Thinks that there are lots of
>>> possibilities to get a syntax file working but don't know whats the best and
>>> smartest way.
>> Maybe a standardized .adoc extension may help wrt. this ? In that case 
>> calling the file adoc.vim may be fine as well.
>>>> Secondly, although the syntax file is a vast improvement, some things are 
>>>> not working. I have no understanding of writing syntax files but it would 
>>>> be desirable if eg.
>>> Let me say that the file was a quick and dirty action. I had to write a 
>>> small
>>> article with a fellow student and he complained about "the editor 
>>> interface". It
>>> was the first time he used something different to openoffice and word... So 
>>> I
>>> took the twiki syntax file and adopted 'partly' to asciidoc. Sure I know 
>>> that
>>> theres only a very small subset definend and the regex used are crappy over 
>>> and
>>> over. I've been in doubt about announcing it here because of being ashame...
>>> After sending my previous post I took a look at the file and noticed that 
>>> some
>>> Twiki elements are also included... :-/. Release often and we're
>>> here.
>> No problem, I took the time to improve it slightly. But I'm committed to 
>> work on it on other files I have at work to further improve it in the 
>> future. In my opinion, having it as part of asciidoc or vim will help 
>> scale the work to other people as well.
>>>>  - comments (//// comment ////) were marked as such.
>>>>  - titles are coloured as well (not just the lines) when you use the 
>>>>    syntax
>>>>        this is a title
>>>>        ---------------
>>> I intend to use the ==sometitle format. We should first of all consider 
>>> which
>>> elements we want to have coloured. Could imagine that a file blinking like a
>>> christmas tree won't be usable anymore. Things what IMHO definitly should 
>>> be marked
>>> are:
>>>   * [[foo]]
>>>   * <<bar>>
>>>   * titles
>>>   * comments
>>>   * maybe links
>> Right, I just added better support for the '= titles', the 
>> 'titles\n------' seems to be much hard though :)
>>>>  - bullets are coloured (first level is not coloured, second is ?)
>>>> Lastly, I found a problem with the URL syntax where you have named links 
>>>> like eg.[Dag Wieers' Homepage]. The current syntax 
>>>> colours only up to [Dag .
>>> As you see - there's something to do...
>> Well, I now understand the complexity :)
>>>> Now, what would be required to have the adoc.syntax shipped with the next 
>>>> release of vim (even in an incomplete state) and with the next 
>>>> release of asciidoc ? This way packagers can place the syntax file in the 
>>>> asciidoc package until it gets shipped with vim.
>>> Would be great, but in the current state of the file there's no way to ship 
>>> it
>>> without driving some people who are familiar with regex and vim to madness 
>>> ;-)
>> I understand, but a simple comment at the top stating that this is a work 
>> in progress and contact information may get us a long way. Also important 
>> is making sure the syntax get loaded for asciidoc documents automatically.
>> This hoewever is practically not possible atm.
>>>> Also, what is the reason this is called adoc.vim and not eg. asciidoc.vim ?
>>>> Is adoc going to be the 'standard' extension for asciidoc ?
>>> Ohh. Don't think so. I'll rename to the syntax name defined in the file to 
>>> asciidoc. 
>>> The binding between file suffix and syntax can be individualy done as 
>>> decribed
>>> above...
>>> Stuart: did you define any naming conventions?
>>>> Nevertheless, I'm grateful for your initiative :)
>>> Thanks. Take this as ignition spark. As you've seen my vim and regex skills 
>>> are
>>> quite poor so feel free to rewrite, extend or anything else.
>> I did, here's my work on it. I lack any git skills so I hope you don't 
>> mind doing a diff.
>> Also, if I compare the asciidoc syntax file against the one that ship wit 
>> vim 7 I see a lot more complexity that is not in the official ones. I 
>> understand this is to allow backward compatibility with older vim 
>> releases. (< 5.8)
>> Given the fact that even RHEL 2.1 ships with vim 6 I wonder if the need 
>> to be backward compatible with ancient vim's is warranted.
>> Stuart: How about pushing this into the next asciidoc release so we can 
>> all advantage from it and can send patches against the upstream syntax 
>> file ?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> --   dag wieers,  [EMAIL PROTECTED],   --
>> [all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> " Vim syntax file
>> " Language: Asciidoc style
>> if version < 600
>>   syntax clear
>> elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
>>   finish
>> endif
>> "syn match adocName     /[^\!]\(\u[a-z0-9]\+\)\{2,}/ms=s+1
>> syn match adocName     /^\w*\u\w*[a-z0-9]\w*\u\w*/
>> syn match adocURL      
>> /\(http\|https\|gopher\|mailto\|news\|ftp\|file\):\(\S\+\)/
>> syn match adocRule     /^-\{4,}/
>> syn match adocBullet   /^\s*[\*\-]\s/
>> syn match adocNumItem  /^\(\s\)\+\d\+[.)]\s/
>> syn match adocToDo     /TODO/
>> syn match adocEmail    /[EMAIL PROTECTED](.\S+\)*/
>> syn match adocSpecialChar /{amp}\w+;/
>> syn region adocL0 start="^=" end="$"
>> syn region adocL1 start="^==" end="$"
>> syn region adocL2 start="^===" end="$"
>> syn region adocL3 start="^====" end="$"
>> syn region adocL4 start="^=====" end="$"
>> syn region adocL0 start="^=" end="=$" oneline
>> syn region adocL1 start="^-" end="-$" oneline
>> syn region adocL2 start="^\~" end="\~$" oneline
>> syn region adocL3 start="^\^" end="\^$" oneline
>> syn region adocL4 start="^+" end="+$" oneline
>> syn region adocDefinition start="^" end="::$" oneline
>> syn match adocRef /<<[a-z0-9]*>>/
>> syn region adocFon start="footnote:" end="]"
>> syn region adocMacro start="\[\[" end="\]\]" oneline
>> syn region adocLink start="\[\"" end="\"\]" oneline
>> syn region adocBold start="\'\{3}" end="\'\{3}"
>> syn region adocItalic start="\'\{2}[^\']"  end="\'\{2}\([^\']\|$\)"
>> syn region adocMeta start="^#" end="$" oneline
>> syn region adocComment start="^////\+$" end="^////\+$"
>> if version <= 508 || !exists("did_adoc_syntax_inits")
>>   if version < 508
>>     let did_adoc_syntax_inits = 1
>>     command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
>>   else
>>     command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
>>   endif
>>   HiLink adocL0          Title
>>   HiLink adocL1          adocL0
>>   HiLink adocL2          adocL1
>>   HiLink adocL3          adocL2
>>   HiLink adocL4          adocL3
>>   HiLink adocRef         PreProc
>>   HiLink adocMacro       Identifier
>>   HiLink adocLink        Underlined 
>> "  HiLink adocName        Underlined
>>   HiLink adocURL         Underlined
>>   HiLink adocEmail       PreProc
>>   HiLink adocBullet      Identifier
>>   HiLink adocFon         Label
>>   HiLink adocRule        Identifier
>>   HiLink adocNumItem     Label
>>   HiLink adocBold        Type
>>   HiLink adocItalic      SpecialKey
>>   HiLink adocMeta        Comment
>>   HiLink adocToDo        Todo
>>   HiLink adocComment     Comment
>>   HiLink adocDefinition  Label
>>   HiLink adocSpecialChar Identifier
>>   delcommand HiLink
>> endif
>> let b:current_syntax = "adoc"
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Stuart Rackham
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