Title: Re: [ASN.1] Asn.1 and ROSE problems

Bernard Kufluk wrote:
> Hi
> I am at the early stages in a project involving ASN.1 and ROSE.
> I have obtained the X.219, 229 etc specs from the ITU and cut and pasted

You seem to be using old versions of ROSE. The ASN.1 modules of
the latest version (the X.880 series) is available from:

> from the PDF to create the documents - but I'm a bit surprised that the
> specs seem to have errors in them (spelling mistakes etc).
> Does anyone have experience of this and is this normal ?

Of course clean ASN.1 modules are expected, but this is unfortunately
the case that standardization organizations sometimes publish
standards which have not been thoroughly checked (as you can imagine
this is a matter of time and manpower -- so feel free to join, say,
the ITU-T and help improve the quality of what is produced, your
help is much welcome).
> (Am I going
> about this completely the wrong way ?)

France Telecom is giving a lot of manpower to the ITU-T ASN.1 Project
(see http://www.itu.int/itu-t/asn1) to extract the ASN.1 modules from
all ITU-T Recommendations, check them with a compiler and pretty-print
them into both a text and HTML (with hyperlinks) format. We provide
a lot of other useful features such as a dependence tree, zipped
packages gathering all ASN.1 modules needed to compile a

The result is freely available from the ITU-T website at:
(Of course not all Recommendations are available yet but we are working
hard to improve this.)
Olivier DUBUISSON (ITU-T ASN.1 Project leader)
france telecom R&D

DTL/TAL - 22307 Lannion Cedex - France
t: +33 2 96 05 38 50 - f: +33 2 96 05 39 45 - http://asn1.elibel.tm.fr/

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