Dear Uttamda

Floods bring very sad memories. Floods were regular features in our area
(Bordoloni). In fact during our matric exam, the exam hall was under water
upto ankle.

It pushes back development by many years. Think of the common people who has
no dry cloth to wear and no food to eat. Govt. has to find lasting solutions
for flood. It will require massive investment in channelizing our shallow
rivers and drainage system.

Our sympathies are with you all in this hour of discomfort and loss. May the
waters recede fast and give you some dry space.


On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 11:25 AM, uttam borthakur <

> Dear Manoj
> My compund has waist deep water. The water has seeped in  the ground floor.
> The only reason is  stagnation for shallow and inadequate drains. In this
> country of teeming millions, governement/ authorities could have simply
> and cheaply widened, deepened and cleaned the drains frequently to ensure
> free flow of water by labour intensive techniques and proper administration.
> It would have given bread and butter to many wage earners as well. Instead
> disasters, big or small, are boon to the elite as those are breeding grounds
> of corruption. Even on a global scale,disasters like wars are welcome to
> various  businesses whether during the war or during the reconstruction
> period. The variation is in respect to scale only.
> Uttam Kumar Borthakur
> --- On Mon, 16/6/08, manoj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: manoj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Assam] BBC E-mail: Twenty-three dead in India floods
> To:
> Date: Monday, 16 June, 2008, 10:33 PM
> manoj saw this story on the BBC News website and thought you
> should see it.
> ** Twenty-three dead in India floods **
> At least 23 people are killed by heavy monsoon rain and flooding in
> north-eastern India, officials say.
> < >
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