Dear Dilda

I am sorry that I might have hurt Bhubanda. Feeling extremely bad about it.

On the positive side we see lot many postings after the episode. Let this be a 
turning point. From my side I pledge to contribute at least a mail a month...

Sorry Bhubanda, we didn't mean to hurt you.


Sent from my iPad

On 06-Jun-2012, at 9:26 AM, Dilip Deka <> wrote:

> Gents and Ladies,
> Now that the air has been cleared on Bhubanda (or Bhuban Kaideo as my friend 
> Chandan Mahanta dearly calls him), may I request Manoj Das and Jyoti Sharma 
> to apologize to Bhubanda and request him to continue the postings of his 
> choice? There is a "Delete" button if you don't loke a posting.
> Now a little bit about our old fogeys' club. I had seen Bhuban Baruah's 
> postings in Assamnet and I had heard he was from Namti in London. I didn't 
> know anything more about him. But, when I was in London on business a few 
> weeks ago, I called him up so that we could meet. He was all excited but 
> unfortunately he was going on a trip arranged by one of his sons. However, he 
> told me about an Assamese Food Festival being held in London and requested me 
> to attend it. Guess what - I went and found that it was being managed by 
> Bhuban Baruah's daughter Jury Gogoi, son in law Nirjan Gogoi and son Bakhar 
> Baruah, under Rini Kakoti's tutelage. Unexpectedly, I was treated as an 
> honored guest from USA but I savored it.The event was excellent but I missed 
> Bhubanda there. I hope to meet him next time I am in London.
> Cheers,
> Dilip Deka
> ________________________________
> From: Ram Sarangapani <>
> To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 
> <> 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2012 10:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [Assam] misuse of this mailing list
> Dear Manoj,
> I think you are absolutely correct.
> Bhuban da's involvement in Assam net is a testament to his energy and
> enthusiasm. I hope to be able to replicate that some day.
> I am sure many of us will join in, once the forum is re-energized. I will
> be glad to jump in once in a while.
> Well, have a safe trip
> On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 8:45 PM, Manoj Kumar Das <> wrote:
>> Dear Ramda
>> We have to find ways to keep this heritage forum alive. Let's be more
>> active with innovative discussions like we used to do.
>> One reason for inactivation could  be emergence of Orkut, FB, Twitter etc.
>> I am sure Bhubanda did what he did with sincerest intentions.
>> Regards
>    Ram da
>> Manoj
>> On train from Mumbai to Delhi
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On 05-Jun-2012, at 8:49 AM, Ram Sarangapani <> wrote:
>>> I kinda tend to agree with C'da and Sushanta on this.
>>> First off, for many of us who have been on this forum for a long time,
>>> Bhuban da needs no introduction.
>>> For a while now, Assam net seems to have little life. There was a time,
>>> when there lively, & often heated discussions. It was fun, and
>> educational
>>> at times.
>>> That was also the time when we all observed some sort of unwritten code
>> of
>>> conduct. Most of us observed it.
>>> But, as it happens with open forums, a while back, a really obnoxious
>>> upstart started taking part in discussions, and that kind of made me
>> decide
>>> that the Assam net was fast losing it's stature (I thought it had), and
>>> really did not want to exchange 'greetings' with that upstart. Well, that
>>> was the proverbial straw for me. Others, obviously had more legitimate
>>> reasons for staying away :)
>>> JS, Manoj, and others, Bhuban da has actually been keeping this net
>> alive,
>>> almost alone, if you will.
>>> At this juncture, I am not even thinking whether posts need pass the
>>> mustard. Assam net is basically on life support, and anyone posting is
>>> actually helping it.
>>> So, if you guys and others make this net active & lively again, we could
>>> maybe revisit other issues.
>>> Thanks, and hope all of you are doing's been a long time
>> since
>>> we met at this forum.
>>> Ram
>>> On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 3:26 PM, Utpal Brahma <>
>> wrote:
>>>> But Chandanda,  Your Bee story was awsome.  I -- nay am sure we -- look
>>>> forward to reading more of it.  Perhaps even some Hollywood producers
>> can
>>>> pick it up and make a new Blockbuster "The Bee Story"   much like "The
>>>> Antz" or "The Toy Story".
>>>> Very curious to know how is your Bee adventure going on .
>>>> Utpal
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: Chan Mahanta <>
>>>> To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world
>> <
>>>> Sent: Sunday, June 3, 2012 2:39 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [Assam] misuse of this mailing list
>>>> That was perceptive of you Sushanta.
>>>> Manoj, I know Bhuban Kokaideu, nearly 80,  very well. He is from Namti,
>>>> same place I grew up in. Worked for BBC for a long time and lives
>>>> with his family at London and in Spain parts of the year.
>>>> Jyotirmay does have a point.
>>>> But I am quite sure BK has been doing what he has been, in his way of
>>>> keeping the semblance of a life ticking in this net.
>>>> I used to be a major trouble-maker in Assamnet.  But I have gotten tired
>>>> of the same old, same old, even though I am open to
>>>> lighting small fires now and then. Unfortunately one or two participants
>>>> cannot really generate a meaningful discourse.
>>>> There is a dearth of participants, perhaps due to apathy, perhaps due
>> to a
>>>> lingering fear of speaking openly
>>>> and frankly and perhaps because of a weariness, like yours truly's.
>>>> Even though I have a nominal presence in Facebook, I rarely participate
>>>> there either. So my absence from this net has had
>>>> nothing to do with social or anti-social media of any kind :-).
>>>> Best.
>>>> cm
>>>> On Jun 3, 2012, at 1:14 PM, Sushanta Kar wrote:
>>>>> Dear
>>>>> All,
>>>>> I was also thinking that way like all of you about B Baruah's mails.
>>>>> But, I gave another thought. Please don't take it otherwise. Have you
>>>>> noticed this mail group is no more as active as it was in pre-Facebook
>>>>> dates? All most all of us became less active here. It's only he who is
>>>>> keeping this mail group busy. It's true that most of his mails are not
>>>>> related to Assam. It would be better to suggest him prefer Assam
>>>>> related post, He may not be well aware about the policy of this group,
>>>>> so he is posting whatever he likes.
>>>>> Sushanta Kar
>>>>> On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 11:25 PM, Manoj Kumar Das <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Yes,.. I also wondered who this Bhuban Baruah is...
>>>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>>>> On 03-Jun-2012, at 4:55 PM, Jyotirmoy Sharma <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Why is Assam Times being bombarded with irrelevant mails by one
>> person.
>>>>>>> I joined the list as it used to be contain news, views about Assam
>> and
>>>> NE
>>>>>>> India.
>>>>>>> Now it seems it has become the job of one person to keep mailing news
>>>> from
>>>>>>> other newspapers which are of no significance to this mailing list.
>>>>>>> Most people who use this mailing list have internet and are able to
>>>> look
>>>>>>> for news( from other papers ) concerning their interests.
>>>>>>> Please stop this email abuse.
>>>>>>> JS
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Sushanta Kar
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