A warm welcome to all of you who started membership recently.
It is so heartwarming to see so many up and coming Assamese youngsters spreading all over India and holding responsible positions. You are the true ambassadors of Assam to tell the rest of India that the Assamese are just as capable as any other Indian, if not better.
We in the 50/60 age group would like to hear from you guys regularly on topics that interest today's Assamese young people. We start new discussions in this net and mostly they degenerate into the same debate that has become too familiar. I am hoping you guys can change that with a fresh viewpoint.
Dilip Deka
Houston TX

jadav kakoti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all
I am Jadav Kakoti, working in North East Sun magazine, a political fortnightly published from Delhi. I have just joined the e-group. I'm from North Lakhimpur and have been here in Delhi for the last one decade. Hope I'll have a nice interaction with you all on diverse issues concerning the "Land of Red Rivers and Blue Mountains".

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