> Paul Gilmartin wrote:  
> Who made that moronic "single byte" rule!?

Back then, saving bytes was the norm and would not be considered moronic. 2 
bytes could radically increase the size of your programs. A few extra bytes 
added to transfer time. A few bytes was significant.
> It's startling how difficult it can be to shift paradigm
> beyond "two modes of thought" and invent another.

It's not difficult all. There are 3 paradigm (structured, unstructured and a 
mix of both). Consider the worst case scenario (unstructured). Think of it like 
a book where you must read thru it to find what you need. Add a table of 
contents and index will give will give you a mix where reading the book may not 
be necessary.

We are continually shifting the paradigm. We started with records. I believe 
next was ISAM followed by databases & VSAM. Databases were significant because 
we could finally move to a mix of unstructured data. You could apply additional 
structure to the data as it was discovered. The next step will probably be 
within "big data".

Regards, Jon 

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