Am 03.02.2018 um 17:29 schrieb Paul Gilmartin:
On 2018-02-03, at 00:26:47, Bernd Oppolzer wrote:
A friend called Rene Jansen tried the compiler in May 2017
on modern z/OS and MacOS, look here:

it worked without problems; only for MacOS we had to make a minor
change, because colons in environment variable names are not allowed.

I would expect that of any UNIX-like system:  z/OS, MacOS, Linux,
Solaris, ...

maybe; we changed it globally, so that for all systems - including Windows and OS/2 - the environment variable is built like this: DD_ddname (where ddname is the logical
filename from the Pascal program)

I used the following syntax

set DD:INPFILE = c:\work\pascal\work\inpfile.dat

I wwouldn't expect those backslashes to work on a UNIX-like system, either.

-- gil

of course; the syntax to set the environment variable AND the syntax of the file names is different on the different platforms. For z/OS, there is no need to assign filenames this way; you do it by using DD statements in the JCL. With CMS, you use FILEDEF statements. In both cases, the Pascal filenames are normal DD names; the Pascal runtime uses OS file I/O
(QSAM); that is: DCBs etc.

BTW: the Pascal runtime supports opening PO members on MVS, when the name of the member to be opened is known at runtime only; there is a procedure ASSIGNMEM to assign a member name to a file before RESET or REWRITE. Look here for more information:

Kind regards


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