On 2018-08-25, at 14:27:44, Charles Mills wrote:

> +2
> Labels belong in column 1 where your eye can scan for them.
Who thinks up these macro names, anyway?  That one wouldn't pass muster
as a California vanity license plate.

> It's great that the new MF=L macros do not require initialization but is
> "which ones" documented anywhere? I tend to use a "model" scheme for
> initializing the DSECT with the MF=L's that works well for me, so I always
> use it.
I once tried to define a prototype with DCs; move it into obtained storage
for reentrancy, then map it with dependent USINGs.  No luck; got ambiguous
resolution.  Would have worked if dependent USING allowed for a lower bound
as well as an upper bound.  (64-bit is a greater challenge.)

-- gil

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