On 2018-08-27, at 06:20:40, Peter Relson wrote:
> <snip>
>> I've never had the slightest need to use the labels generated in the 
> MF=L form. Who does?  They're not documented.  I'll grant that they can 
> probably be considered self-documenting, but is there a reasonable 
> guarantee the labels won't be changed in a new release?  The MF=E 
> expansions don't use them (thank goodness), ...
> The doc (and Peter Relson) seem to say they can and should be used that 
> way.
> </snip>
> I'm not positive which "that way" referred to. I don't think I said that 
> the labels produced by the list form ought to be used. The interface is 
> the macro. Anything else is not supported (but might well work). 
I apologize for any misattribution or misunderstanding.  I imagined:

         ANYMAC  MF=(L,AXXX)    Defines AXXX
         ANYMAC  MF=(E,AXXX)    Refers to AXXX defined above

If I understand correctly, a similar Example ought to appear in the
Users Guide to clarify the use for the OP of this thread.  (Everyone
is supposed to read the Users Guide.)

> <snip>
> I'd prefer staying with tradition and coding its name in column
> one, for legibility.
> </snip>
> FWIW, I suppose that you could code
> and you could use  THEMACRO MF=(E,LABEL_TRADITIONAL)
> if you must (but the "two labels" would have to be unique)
> For the list form, you would land with
> LABEL_NEWFORM       DS    0D 
> ...
I'm imagining something like:

&LBL     WRAPLIST &NAME,&A1,&A2,...
         &NAME MF=(L,&LBL),&A1,&A2,...

For this sort of thing, I truly miss the POSIX shell constructs:
"shift", which discards one or more leading parameters, and
"$@", which formats the remaining parameters (think DOUBLE)
to be passed to another command.

> <snip>
> I notice that for older macros with "M=L" the parameter
> descriptions are in table form; for newer macros with "MF=(L,list addr)"
> the descriptions are in outline form.
> </snip>
> I'm not sure what you mean here. Could you provide an example? I think of 
> the syntax diagram being a table (when it's not RR-track), but the 
> parameter descriptions being textual.  ...
I stand corrected; I didn't read thoroughly.  For IEATDUMP, I see:

o No RR-track  (Blessedly, I suppose.)

o "Syntax" Looks like a spreadsheet; I called that "table".

o "Parameters"
      The parameters are explained as follows:
The parameters and subparameters are variously indented.  I called that 

So the "spreadsheet" replaces the "RR-track" (which wouldn't fit on
the page.  Or several pages.)

-- gil

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