On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 22:41, John Todd wrote:
> Since nobody else took the hint, I submitted it as a feature request for SIP.
> http://bugs.digium.com/bug_view_page.php?bug_id=0000104
> Personally, this is not high on my "I'd love to see this fixed" list. 
> However, many others here are less fortunate from a network 
> perspective, and you're stuck behind a cable modem or DSL router.

As one of those who didn't take the hint I'll put forward my defence.

John, I could not have written the additional information in any way
with the detail you did. I think there are new users like me who have
never even seen a Cisco in operation, and certainly don't yet understand
the intricacies and problems associated with SIP. 

Perhaps this is a problem with *, virtually out of the box you find
yourself talking to someone at Digium :). Except for a minor annoyance
with sometimes not dropping incoming analog calls in France correctly
(workaround restrict the length of the recorded message, who wants to
hear their life story anyway?) within a day you have the basis of a
working system. You can then start expanding the system, and then you
hit the wall, SIP. The list grows STUN, Partysip, SER, Sarp, FCP, etc...

With a completely operational Linux firewall system, providing you with
all you need, and more, from a pensioned off PC, the best advice people
can give you is buy the XYZ SIP aware firewall. If XYZ can do it why
can't we.

I am in no way a telecoms expert, but even at my advanced age I can
still write C, even Cobol, but first I need an idea of what is needed, a
spec or something. 

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