Gordon Henderson wrote:

> On Sat, 21 Apr 2007, Philipp Kempgen wrote:
>> Tim Panton wrote:
>>> What's your objection to a softphone in java ?
>> Java is slow and the interface is always ugly and doesn't fit
>> into the window manager etc. you are used to. :-P I never understood
>> why I would use Java to write software when I could use C(++) or
>> when a script language would do.  The simple fact that people have
>> 2 or 3 GHz doesn't mean that I have to burn them for nothing.
>> The only point may be portability.
> FWIW: I've been trialling the Mexuar Java phone over the past few days, 
> and I feel that I have to say that what you've just written really doesn't 
> apply. So what if you have to burn the cpu and need a 2GHz processor?
> Here the the output from top on my desktop when it's running:
>   5211 gordon    15   0  272m  31m  14m S  5.3  4.2   0:03.59 java_vm
> CPU details from /proc/cpuinfo:
>    model name      : AMD Athlon(TM) XP 2200+
>    cpu MHz         : 1800.231
>    cache size      : 256 KB
> So it's hardly a new processor, and 5% usage is nothing.

Ok. I may have over-generalized this a bit.

> As for the interface - it's as ugly as you care to write a web-page round 
> it. Mexuars own one looks "pretty good" to me, and it's 100% customisable. 
> The workhorse is very cleverly hidden behind a standard web-page and 
> javascript interface, so it's you who writes the interface and javascript 
> shim to interface to the java applet, not the vendor (unless you pay them, 
> I guess ;-)

Can it run as a standalone app outside of the browser?

> You made the point of portability - a big plus for me. My desktop is 
> Linux, but I work with people who have Mac and Win desktops. Having 
> something that looks the same and acts the same over all platforms is a 
> boon (principle of least surprise)


Need to give it a try before I can talk about it any further. :)


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