On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 10:33 AM, Daniel Halperin
<dhalp...@cs.washington.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 5:29 AM, Larry Vaden <va...@texoma.net> wrote:
>>> <learning moment, bitte>
>>> What steps are necessary to learn about the reasons for the
>>> disconnects/reconnects?
>> *identifying the reason code for disconnection.
>> *enable mac80211 debugs
>> *looking at wpa-supplicant logs
>> *enabling ath9k debugging
>> Note that in your earlier mail with rc_stats, the majority of packets were
>> sent at MCS0 and were not received:
>> >>>> Total packet count::    ideal 34      lookaround 6
> HT20/LGI TtPMCS0        1.7       28.2       33.3          0(  0)   34
>   193
> It took 193 attempts to get 34 packets through, around 6 attempts per packet
> which is A LOT. The reason the card is disconnecting is almost certainly
> that the activity meter at one end or the other is failing -- e.g., the
> client is missing a few beacons from the AP and sending a probe that is not
> ACKed, or the AP hasn't heard from the client in a large amount of time, and
> sends a probe that is not acked. Looking at the dmesg, or wpa_supplicant
> logs, or something of that sort, on both sides should tell you the "reason
> code" for disassociation. Reason codes are numbers that are mapped to
> reasons in the IEEE 802.11-2007 Standard.
> Larry, MCS0 is the lowest rate (unless you try 1 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz band).
> I really think that if the link can't sustain a reasonable delivery rate at
> MCS0 it's simply not going to work.
> Are you sure that your nodes have antennas aligned, power levels set to
> maximum, etc? No weather or trees in the way? (Did a tree do a springtime
> bloom in your LOS, for instance?) [I've never operated long-distance links,
> so these are total speculation, btw.]
> Dan

Good morning, Dan.

THANKS for your reply.

We must reconcile some observations:

. hardware is Ubiquiti Rocket M900 and Loco M900 2 Km apart, estimated
signal strength should be -68 dBm
. AirOS 5.2.1 showed signal strengths in the -70 to -80 dBm range

with, e.g.,

. is the hardware now kaput (see my ? about self-test)
. is there something different about the M900 compared to the M2 and
M5 (from, say, Felix's viewpoint)

Adrian and I did a Google Chat this AM to look at some of the
registers, but, alas, I can't figure out how to cut and paste the
GChat and didn't have the patience to do it stanza by stanza as may be

Here's a few stanzas oriented to learning about what ath9k is telling
the hardware about tx power (as supervised by Adrian):

My apologies in advance if the mechanical transcription of GChat is
misleading or contains errors or omissions (in fact, rather than try
to clean it up, I'll just present the raw segments);  I have included
Adrian on the cc: in case he has more knowledge about how to cut and
paste the GChat transcript.

Adrian:  cat regval
echo "0xA390" > regidx
cat regval
 me:  root@OpenWrt:/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k# echo
"0xA390" > regidx
root@OpenWrt:/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k# cat regidx

Adrian:  cat regval
echo "0xa390" > regidx ; cat regval

me:  root@OpenWrt:/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k# echo "0xA390" > regidx
root@OpenWrt:/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k# cat regidx

root@OpenWrt:/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k# cat regval
root@OpenWrt:/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k# cat regval

root@OpenWrt:/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k# echo "0xa390" >
regidx ; cat regval

 me:  root@OpenWrt:/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k# echo
"0xa38c" > regidx ; cat regval

I have a second Rocket M900 here 80' from the tower and the intent is
to see what it sees.

Again, THANKS for your reply.

Larry Vaden, CoFounder
Internet Texoma, Inc.
Serving Rural Texomaland Since 1995
We Care About Your Connection!
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