> Why isn't this requirement a "may" instead of a "must"? I can see having
> a link with rel=alternate if indeed a alternate version does exist. It
> does not make sense to put in some something misleading if an alternate
> does not exist.

I recently sought out and joined this list precisely because I wanted
to see if this issue had been addressed.  I don't think it's reasonable
to assume there will always be an alternate version of a feed.  If this
remains a "MUST", I have no choice but to honor this by using a dummy
value for an "alternate" page, since I may not have an alternate.

Without any background, it seems to me that the goal here is to "require"
a link *back* to an HTML page that is presumed to have provided an
"alternate" link to this Atom resource.  This of course assumes that an
HTML or non-Atom version actually exists, and that resource is independent
of the Atom resource.  (Consider that I may have an HTML version, but
it could be derived from the Atom version using XSLT.  It's not accurate
to consider this an "alternate" when it's an XML style sheet involved.)

I couldn't find any reference to this issue in the mailing list, aside
from this (thankfully recent) thread.  If it's been addressed before,
could someone point me to the thread in the list archives?


 == David Nesting WL7RO Fastolfe [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://fastolfe.net/ ==
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