On 11/8/05 3:05 PM, "A. Pagaltzis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What scenario exists wherein it would be *more* desirable to
> provide *only* a dereferencable location but *not* an ID? When
> would it be *wiser* to *rely* on a pointer to a resource which is
> always in danger of voiding, irrecoverably breaking the
> connection from a reply to its parent?

scenario: I'm reading some feed I've subscribed to, and hit an entry which
is a reply to someone else's posting elsewhere. I'm not subscribed to that
other feed. I want to read it. There doesn't exist any atom:id resolvers
(yet). The author neglected to include a direct link. How do I get there?

> The ID is REQUIRED in Atom entries. Given this, is there any
> *cost* to requiring its inclusion when specifying in-reply-to? I
> canĀ¹t see any.

Are authors only going to reply to Atom feed publishers? Are they going to
avoid replying to RSS feeds, or to statements on some generic HTML page (or
even PDF document)? Requiring an ID when an ID may not be available will
mean not being able to create in-reply-to links to non-Atom resources.


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