* Eric Scheid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-08-11 07:25]:
> On 11/8/05 3:05 PM, "A. Pagaltzis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What scenario exists wherein it would be *more* desirable to
> > provide *only* a dereferencable location but *not* an ID?
> > When would it be *wiser* to *rely* on a pointer to a resource
> > which is always in danger of voiding, irrecoverably breaking
> > the connection from a reply to its parent?
> scenario: I'm reading some feed I've subscribed to, and hit an
> entry which is a reply to someone else's posting elsewhere. I'm
> not subscribed to that other feed. I want to read it. There
> doesn't exist any atom:id resolvers (yet). The author neglected
> to include a direct link. How do I get there?

How is that an argument for omitting the ID? It’s an argument in
favour of including a source link, but both forms provide for
a way to store this information.

> Are authors only going to reply to Atom feed publishers? Are
> they going to avoid replying to RSS feeds, or to statements on
> some generic HTML page (or even PDF document)? Requiring an ID
> when an ID may not be available will mean not being able to
> create in-reply-to links to non-Atom resources.

Yeah; point conceded, as I already wrote to James. And as I said
there, I’d still like the ID to be REQUIRED when replying to Atom

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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