are all workable for me.

I think the real question is still (unfortunately) how specific it should be.

I think there are merits to both sides; the relative cost of a specific term isn't much, and the harm of a general term is largely theoretical at this point. So, I'm at a point where I'm more interested in moving forward than in a particular solution.

Perhaps people could +1/-1 the following options:

* Reconstructing a feed should use:
   a) a specific relation, e.g., "prev-archive"
   b) a generic relation, e.g., "previous"

(these are just examples; once we figure out how specific it should be, we can figure out a term more easily)

I'm +1 on both.

On 18/10/2005, at 11:44 PM, Thomas Broyer wrote:

Antone Roundy  wrote:

On Oct 18, 2005, at 5:13 PM, Robert Sayre wrote:

rel: next
definition: A URI that points to the next feed in a series of feeds.
For example, in a reverse-choronological series of feeds, the 'next'
URI would point deeper into the past.

Ohh, nice readability.  Perhaps a few refinements:

A URI that points to the next in a series of Feed documents, each
representing a segment of the same feed.  For example, in a reverse-
chronologically ordered series of Feed documents, the 'next' URI
would point to the document next further in the past.

+1, *this* is "paging".

We could add another example, e.g. sorted by relevance (within a search
result) or priority…

If you want to link between different "states" of "Top 100" feeds
(October, September, August, etc), then use something like @rel="archives" or @rel="history", or define a @rel="previous-archive" if you really want
to navigate directly to the other feed without having to go through a
"table of contents" feed.

If some people here prefers "next-chunk" or "next-page" to just "next",
why not, my mind is open…

Thomas Broyer

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Mark Nottingham     http://www.mnot.net/

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