David Nesting wrote:

So the real question is: How can site authors instruct a web browser-feed reader hybrid when it should treat an application/atom+xml document as a web page (via xml-stylesheet) and when it should treat it as a consumable feed? Perhaps it is reasonable for these types of applications to work like this:

1. If the feed is requested in the context of a "web" link, and it has an xml-stylesheet directive, treat it as a web page 2. If the feed is requested within the context of the feed reading component of the application (thus no web "context"), or would simply be rendered as raw XML due to the lack of an xml-stylesheet processing instruction, treat it as a raw feed and present it subject to the feed reader UI guidelines.

Unless the "context" is stored with the feed, the user experience will be different when a user follows a link from another page (rendered as Web page) and later loads the same link again from the bookmarks (rendered as an XML feed).

Klaus Johannes Rusch

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