On Sep 6, 2006, at 7:51 AM, James M Snell wrote:
The problem with specifying a per-feed default license is that there is currently no way of explicitly indicating that an entry does not have a
license or that any particular entry should not inherit the default
feed-level license.

With respect to atom:rights (from RFC 4287 section 4.2.10):

   If an atom:entry element does not contain an atom:rights element,
   then the atom:rights element of the containing atom:feed element, if
   present, is considered to apply to the entry.

Thus, at the entry level, <atom:rights /> would (certainly ought to!) detach a feed level atom:rights element from the entry without replacing it with anything. With <link rel="license"..., I'm not sure how you'd do the same thing. Is it possible to specify a null URI? <link rel="license" href="" /> points to the in-scope xml:base URI, right? Perhaps the specification could define a "null license" URI.

With respect to the issue of aggregate feeds, I had thought that the existence of an atom:source element at the entry level blocked any "inheritance" of the feed metadata, but looking at RFC 4287, I don't see that explicitly stated. Certainly if atom:source contains atom:rights, then that element overrides the feed-level atom:rights of the aggregate feed, but if neither atom:source nor atom:entry contains an atom:rights element, what then? Perhaps in that case, the aggregator should add <atom:rights /> as a child of atom:source (I'd think that preferable to adding it as a child of atom:entry).

On Sep 6, 2006, at 4:38 AM, Thomas Roessler wrote:
So, here's the proposal:

- Use <link rel="license"/> for entry licenses -- either on the feed
  level, setting a default analogous to what atom:rights does, or on
  the element level.

- Introduce <link rel="collection-license"/> (or whatever else you
  find suitable) for licenses about the collection, to be used only
  on the feed level.

If there's a @rel="license" at the feed level, but no rel="collection- license", does the @rel="license" also become a "collection- license"? (People who don't read the spec would probably think so). If there is no license for the collection, but one wishes to specify a default license for the entries, a "null license" would once again be useful.


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