James M Snell wrote:
> Sylvain Hellegouarch wrote:
>>> [snip]
>>> The GData server implementation requires a Content-Type value of
>>> "application/atom+xml" when POSTing or PUTting an Atom entry to a
>>> collection
>>> (for all non-media collections).   It will respond with a 400 (Bad Request)
>>> http error on any other content type.   It will also do the same if the
>>> request body contains an Atom feed document and not an Atom entry document.
>> Right and I find that abusive of the mime type already. An UA that
>> respects RFC 4287 and sends a feed to a collection that would state it
>> accepts such media-type would not understand why it gets a 400 Bad
>> Request (it's fairly interesting to point actually that because of that
>> umbrella mime type you could not use the proper 415).
> Which is precisely why <accept>entry</accept> exists.  Existing
> implementations already have to basically ignore the content-type and
> sniff the content.  Implementations will have to continue to do so with
> the optional type param because it's optional.

True but I've always found the "entry" awkward.

- Sylvain

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