Re: Apple: The Unsettling Rumor

So, in essence, it comes down to buying yet another something to work with something.  There really is no difference, unless you're here to tell me that Shine Plus is free?
There is no one size fits all in the name of accessibility; that's my position on the matter and, as Sebby wisely pointed out in post 34, it really comes down to what you need and how you wish to use it.  If you believe accessibility is up to you to discover as a consumer, more power to you.  Admittedly, perhaps you don't view yourself as the average consumer, either, in which case this statement does not apply to you.
And I?  I'm a dad, a husband, a college student, a musician on the side who likes to write random posts about random things when he gets a random opportunity to randomly do it.  My family comes first; my computers and phones come along later.  I don't have the time I once did to mess around with tech and babysit it and be proud of i t as it matured.  That's why I'm gravitating more toward apple at the moment.  That's not to say Apple and iOS are better than Android for anyone, anyone other than myself, the average consumer.  I'm willing to embrace, as I've pointed above, that the tides change all the time, but now's not the time, not yet, and I make that claim given the amount of iOS devices in the hands of blind individuals, including the ones I've helped set up over the past 6 years.  The facts still holds, however, that when the devices come in the mail, one camp of consumers does little more than tap on their home buttons three times or plug straight into their computers and open iTunes to set up voiceover, while the other camp is looking for sighted assistance unless they've gone to some lengths to have store and or other service reps take care of that part for them.
right now, I prefer machines running windows, not machines running OSX.  ; Right now, I prefer using NVDA on my PC, not JAWS, not Windoweyes, and certainly not voiceover.  right now, after a year of tangling with Android and various shells and its semi complicated gestures and the fact that yes, deny it all you want, some of its accessibility camp would love for it to feel more like iOS, I've grabbed up an iPhone 6s+, because that's what I have time for.  Two hours after I unboxed and unwrapped it, I was satisfied, even though there's probably more I can still do.
Android is not without perks though, nor will I ever claim that.  I'll miss the fact that I could stay away from proprietary software and hardware for a whole year to do things that should be simple, things like charging, things like transferring music and ringtones, things like using whatever friggin speech synth I want, things like being able to shake my device and give it a simple command and watching it follow through with said command, rather than ha ving to holds down a button while I talk to my personal assistant or go into settings and toggle a feature on or off that'll spy on me for the duration of however long it stays on.  It's not enough for me, however, and I think a year was a reasonable amount of time to reach that conclusion.  Some day in the future, however distant or otherwise, I may give it yet another shot, because that's what I do.  I try things.  I like remaining open minded to change.  Why this earphone jack business is bothering me right now has more to do with personal matters, such as the fact that I'm hearing impaired as well as being blind.  Finding headphones and earbuds that work properly for me is hard enough.  To know that I'm probably going to have to take an extra step is not welcome, anymore than it would be welcome to know that my favorite restaurants have given up their delivery services, or as unwelcome as the news that Amazon has appare ntly started tinkering with captchas.  it's one more hurtle, one more effort, one more time i have to bite my tongue and refrain from using every German word in my limited arsenal.

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