Re: I'm seriously concerned

And on the other side of the spectrum you have employers who hire people who they deem "passionate workers."  It's extra work.  It means you have a passion for doing a job and you don't complain about anything whatsoever because you are a passionate individual who is passionate about the job.  do you remember back in the day when McDonalds used to advertise this idea that "we love to see you smile?"  I doubt you can tell me those people are doing what they do because they love doing it.  When the homeless guy comes in and smells like the mother of all slums and sewage they have to treat him the same as the clean and well shaven and well dressed lawyer who just left with his seemingly upright and virtuous family.  if you have someone come and clean your house, you'll more than likely want someone who isn't going to complain about the job they have to do whatsoever and who seems on top of that, enth usiastic about the job you're giving them.  That's extra work, but someone, somewhere has to do it.
Your trash collector, your plumber, your window washer, your insurance agent, your taxi driver, your pizza delivery man or woman, all of them have to suck it all up and tuck it all in and smile at you regardless of their personal feelings if they work for a company that requires "passionate workers" because they want to keep their job.  what do they want to do?  what would they rather be doing?  Are they doing what they love doing?  if you ask for my personal take on that set of questions, I think not... At least, not all of them. if doctors who make tons of money would rather sit in their offices fat shaming young women than helping them feel better about themselves, whatever in the world should make us think those who haven't achieved what most interpret as success are doing what they love doing?
I have yet to meet anyone w ho doesn't have an excuse for going to work, a person who does it and says, "I do what I do because I enjoy doing it even if I make no proffit off of it."  That employers who sincerely care about those who work for them exist is not something I find hard believing, but there is always conflict of interest and proffitability to take into consideration.  Tell them to quit smoking because it makes them look less attractive!  Tell them to go work out in the gym and lose some poundage and gain some musculature!  Tell them to seek a counselor that'll help them with any area of their life because I did it and so should you and your mama!  We need to feel good!  At any cost!  it sounds like greed to me. :d
don't get me wrong... Before you call me an absolute cynic I do believe there is hope in this world, but it does not come in the form of humankind collectively striving together to achieve happiness and satisfaction, as I be lieve neither is an act of human will, else we would have had it thousands of years ago.  To further my point a little, why is it that every single day we see people on social media who have to throw their day in your face and make it seem like they are doing something you should be wishing you were doing and should feel jealous of?  Trips, vacations, food, products, services, relationships, and the circle continues, and theirs always, always has to be better than yours.  My guess is, however, that if you could get those people to honestly come forward and be truthful about the way they're feeling, you would find that all is not  always as it seems.

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