Re: the killer, from 1 good, drama free fps, to a down right redspot clone

Guitarman, it's cool that you were trying to help the mods, but honestly that usually just makes things worse and can redirect anger on to you, since we can't tell what your thinking.
Maybe you could try sending them a forum message to see if they know about the thread?
Then again if everyone does that, it ends up Swamping them, so if I were you I'd just trust that they are paying attention to such a big thread, unless something really obviously against the rules happens and nothing gets done about it for days.
It's cool that you reviewed the thread again though to understand it better, I wish everyone did that, and sorry for sounding harsh, I've seen people say the kind of thing you did before and it usually is because they are a mod wanabee that can't make it onto the team, and not because they are actually trying to be useful. tongue

Assault Freak, When you put it like that about chat logs and devs calling out other devs directly, than yeah, I see your point.
But if you replace Sam with Ubisoft and Ivon with Valve, and the hole preference thing with preference for high paying players, or server admins that discriminate based on skill and are willing to give high level player's items for free, then, you end up with something more common, that tons and tons of people would, and do, get behind.
And sorry if I offended you with the hole walled in community comment, I just couldn't see how this kind of stuff wouldn't be prevalent, in which ever form, pretty much everywhere you go, and I know that some places like I said, are really chill do to strict mods and rules or just the kind of people that tend to enjoy that niche are generally more layed back.
As to the four topics being allot, remember that I'm talking about over the span of a month or two here, that's a pretty lo ng time, but yes, I see your logic about how this crap can come back onto the forum, and I don't want that, but this still hasn't reached the  level of uproar that the original UP clones caused.
Still, that's kind of the responsibility that you take on when your in charge of a free speech oriented space for discussion.

Slender, Kianoosh, and visualstudio. The matter is, like you guys said, technically solved, but it's still a slap in the face that this even happened, and frankly it reflects badly on the entire community.
Yes Sam did eventually allow Ivon to use the code, but only after he had already stolen it, and it was only to rid him self of the issue. That doesn't magically erase the history though.
Now that Ivon is actually charging for a game that is still, at it's core, a stolen mess of UP and Redspot code with yes, many copied sounds and mirrored concepts with slight cosmetic changes, and I admit, a few new ones, it feels as though Sam and Mason should really be getting most of the profits.
Now I do get that this wouldn't be such an in the open kind of thing in the mainstream community, but you have to understand, the same exact things would be happening, but behind closed doors, via intellectual property, espionage, and proprietary data law suits.
The problem is that I'm pretty sure neither party in this is a registered business, and even if Sam is, I'm almost certain that Ivon isn't, so none of that applies, aside from some toothless general data laws.
Plus, their both kids, so that would be extreme anyway, but look at how often companies like Microsoft and Soni, Apple and Samsung are at each other's throats.
I know that this community is much, much smaller, but this still happens in the Indi gaming space, but it's ugly and neither publisher wants to deal with it publicly, plus, the outcome is rarely satisfactory for anyone.
That' ;s why I partially sympathize with the point of view that this shouldn't be made into a circus, but I also don't like the idea of people getting away with continued sleezbaggery, as it often ends up hurting both the original creator, and the community's trust and reputation.
Just look at how many people are scared to share code now, mainly because of this incident.
And yes I did just use the word sleezbaggery, and I'm proud of it! :-D

As for copied sounds, I agree that most of them are just stolen from the people who did most of the actual work anyway, so it's more of a tacky, no effort sort of thing, which is still a point against who ever does it.
Plus you never really no when their stolen and when their not, so if then aren't, and someone tries to protect them, say with an encrypted pack file, and someone else goes and breaks that encryption, than because the original party protected them to a reasonable degree, now the sec ond party is the one held legally responsible. Or at least that's my understanding of it... :s

If TK ends up being something more some day and Ivon shapes up, than I think it could be a worthwhile game, similar to the paths that many mainstream games that were mentioned here took, and for those who just simply enjoy it now, I have nothing against them, this hasn't got anything to do with the players for the most part. I just hope you're willing to accept the potential consequences for sticking your neck out on this purchase.

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