Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

It will take quite a while to extract piracy from the blind community at large, especially with the 50 year old 75% unemployment number. Blind people see sighted people, with jobs, playing games, watching movies, amusing themselves to death, and want to do it too. And no, I'm no different, either, I just, think too much. Regarding moving the goal posts, was "intent" a part of the proposition when the filters were taken down? If so, then the posts haven't been moved, and it is a good idea anyway. If not, then the goal posts have been moved, and should be moved back, or this should be official, as in, a part of rule three.

Regarding games with licensed copyright stuff, I don't really play them. I'm still enthralled by Dissidia Final Fantasy, gonna get the hidden ending one day, but yes, just about all games have this, again, because even developers, some of them anyway, may not have the money to buy good sound libraries, or the library used is a common one so games wind up having the same sounds. Now, what would happen if a game had a not so secret secret browser of the audio vault? I could see that happening.

Regarding "this admin. sucks, we need the old one back right meow!" Really, the old administration was soundly thrashed in some long blog post, and stepped down. When, oh when, will change be enough? Do we need even more change? When will it come about that we're simply in an unending set of upheavals? This is something happening in politics as well, people demanding change after change, the smooth gears of government, always slow and ponderous, turning to a more unsteady, jerking, quick, crumbling motion. What, I wonder, will be left once it is nothing more than a heaving, gelatinous mass? Really, this administration is doing a fairly good job. My heart doesn't agree with rule three at all. Then again, my heart changes with the mob, and is easy to change. My mind finds it good where we are now, unless "intent" becomes every mention of the vault, and from what I've seen, Jayde takes things seriously when he activates moderator mode. We've just become so used to pirating, so used to the arguments, so used to needing movies, TV, even games, that boredom is our enemy, that quiet is dreadful, that law is to be spat upon for the realization of our happiness.

And still I understand many who pay for things, but can't access it. It is the same for me and the PSP games I have. Well I admit, I downloaded that union game that I can't spell, and the sequel/prequel, but I just wanted to see if I could make sense of them. I /bought/ Dissidia Final Fantasy, Dissidia 012, and Soul Calibur, Broken Destiny from the Playstation Network, and downloaded them from elsewhere. Why? Because I can't download them from the PSN, don't have a PSP, don't feel that dealing with an inaccessible machine in order to dump the ROMS is a valid use of my time, and don't think that I should trouble AIRA just to see if I can mod the thing, and dump the ROMS. I spent the money, after all. So no, I'm not perfect, I'm not saying that I am, but in this world of shadow, there is rarely much that is completely right and completely wrong. This is why, in piracy, politics, and just about everything else, I am more in the center, seeing both sides, the law and logic, and the humanity and compassion. I think we could all do some of that in regards to piracy.

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