Re: pissed off about accessibility guides


@daigonite, what would you have these game developers or devs say then, instead of "mental health issues?"

They can't know our struggles so put a statement on the page that people can understand to the best of their abilities.

I would like them to actually consult people with mental health struggles in games instead of deciding for us what is the problem. The problem isn't that "we can't emotionally handle things". In fact, I don't think a need like this can really be accommodated for because PTSD can't really be compared to blindness in this way.

Really? White soi boys? They certainly won't listen to you with an atitude like that.

Why should we listen to them?

Seriously, why? The game industry ignored disabled needs for years and years unless it was literally an FCC requirement. Why do we have to submit to them? Why do we have to follow their stupid rules? Most of these people aren't disabled. You're getting mad at me because I come off like a "hypocrite" because Cam wants to misrepresent my opinion because he wants to tell me how my disability works? Many of these people who run the show aren't even disabled. Or, they're people who see money none of us will ever see who starts a contracting company that harasses devs into using their services. There are many cases of "get good" in the industry when this kind of stuff happens. There is an opportunity here.

You want to fix accessibility for everyone, well i'm sorry to say; you can't.

For one thing it will cost a lot of money to add every.single.accessibility option into a game.

You have your tool that you're making and if that can make some games accesible that will be great but in order for you to tell devs you have these tools, you need to tone down the atitude of I think I know what's best for everyone that you seam to have on here.

Look, did you get games to be accessible because you sat down and let these assholes

And as camlorn said, you can't make every sighted game playable for the blind, if that's what you're aiming for.

Do you actually know what we as blind people want? I don't think you do.

I remember when you made a post about a new way of navigating the web that, in your eyes, would revilutionise the screen reader market but, and I'm sorry to say this, it was very clear to me and others that you didn't know what you were talking about when it came to screen readers.  It was clear that you'd not sat down in front of a screen reader and actually tried it for more than 5 minutes and when I tried to explain it wouldn't work, I got a PM basicly telling me to stop and a lot of other things.

Yeah that was like in 2015. I was an idiot. But look at Cam, he literally just assumed what my needs are. Are blind people really any better? I literally started this thread with "this is not how PTSD works as someone who suffers from it" and he's already telling me how PTSD works and how I'm actually wrong for telling people to think otherwise. Sounds familiar huh?

This is the problem with disability in general, its caused by our own individual experience that we dont share with anyone and we assume that we understand how things work, even when we know that the way we experience something vs how the world assumes it works is completely wrong.

I realized at some point,you are completely right and I DON'T know what blind people want, or motor disabilities want, or whatever, because all disabilities are different and even blind people can't agree, and I've been trying to get through to people on this forum since I realized it (because I know I've said stupid shit in the past), and I've been working with other kinds of people with disabilities off of the forum, that a completely different approach is necessary to building games altogether, and we can't just continue to let this crap happen.

I realized this was a much more fundamental issue in UI as well, because even sighted people assume whats best for other sighted people - we shouldn't need a "disability" to say, hey maybe you shouldn't tell me how to interact with my program. You don't learn that overnight, I was basing my opinions on some blind people I knew. I made the same damn mistakes that people on this thread are assuming about PTSD and its because we dont listen to each other and dont realize, hey, theres' a better solution than just making a MILLION use cases.

And I would hope that you would agree and accept my apology for being such a moron in the past. And if I can fix a slip up that bad then people can realize where I'm coming from too hopefully.

Just because I was wrong in the past doesn't mean I can't try to say. Look, I realized my mistake and we still need to look at things differently. And one of those things is not working with these people. Naughty Dog is literally making millions off of the press that they got for making their game accessible, but there are devs on here who could probably swim circles around theirs. How do you not see why I'm not angry?

The thing is; we've been using this software for all of our lives and as much as we'd not mind change, to said software, we're not as mad as you seam to be because what we have works completely fine for us.

If you want to change the world, first ask the people who you think need the change what *they* want, there's no point reinventing the wheel, after all.

It's not about that. It's about the fact that these people are literally trying to limit your options all over the place to make them work with screen readers. These design principles will replicate elsewhere and they are already costing people their jobs. I'm not saying that you change the way you interact with a computer, I'm saying that the people who design the programs you interact with are encouraging restrictive designs, and they have way too much industry power over YOUR computer. That's fucked up.

I'm sorry for getting so heated because I haven't interacted in a while before getting involved again and I know I made mistakes but thats how you get better. Because if I didn't just learn, "hey my stupid ass can't just order blind people how to use software" while i'm just trying to solve issues for my 3 friends as I see them, I would have never tried to actually solve the problem that causes. And I think that drove a lot of people to build the solutions they did too. Like thats the nature of growing up.

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