Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Hi everyone,
I actually decided to clear up a lot of things claimed against me in this post, although it is not its place. that is actually what made me skeptical all this time.
With this out of the way, let's clear all the points discussed in this topic.
First of all, If you have been banned and you think it's unfair, contact us through f4 or ask a friend to do it if your ban was long enough, this is of course not the place to write about it.
Now mistakes may happen, no human is immune to them, but I can tell you that 99% of the time, the bans now are justified.
in addition, sometimes it is also a mistake on the user's side and some misunderstandings. In fact, this VPN problem is really very common. We do not believe that you need to use VPN when connecting to the playroom, in our experience, VPN's are used on a daily basis to work around bans. so in many cases, using a VPN might put you at risk of getting banned, and most importantly, many VPN connections are actually banned. this mistakenly leads users to think that they are banned while they just are using a VPN connection that is banned like in Stormy's case and many other cases.
I understand the frustration related to it, and the bad coincidence that none of the helpers was online to answer, but we do not ignore these cases but rather explain the problem. And in fact, later Stormy contacted us when we were online, and he was answered.
I don't want to go in much details with regards to Deathstar's case since it has been solved already after she contacted me in a more constructive way as mentioned in post 54, and it is pointless to write about it now. All I have to say in this case, or any future similar one, is please be willing to listen more instead of arguing and directly assuming the reason for the ban is the moderator is evil, the moderator do not like me so they decided to ban me. It was a long story that was thankfully solved after Deathstar promised to be more mindful when posting on forums.
However, I would like to correct some of the claims she made when she was angry, and she might even agree now that they weren't true. Now no helper or admin spies on your conversation ever, it is true, that we do have the ability to join private tables, but this is never abused, and you can see if we join your table or not like any normal player, and thus it is far from any  form of "spy".
As for Aarush's case.
We are not, and we will never be just ready to fire our gun at any moment. The playroom has a daily 200 active users, only in the English part, and if the moderation is as bad as some of you describe, then people would have left us since long. Most importantly, it is funny to me that Aarush is writing in this post while he actually does not have any problem, neither him nor anyone of his close friends. None of them is currently banned, neither from the Playroom itself nor from posting on the forums.
Now let me explain though, why Aarush is that badly angry. Yes, he and a group of friends, have previously caused problems. This group had a lot of problems ranging between screen reader crashes, unneeded drama and insults so on, and they were deliberately crashing each other screen readers and then sending a history report to complain. I always failed to understand the motive of someone reporting their friends, then staying with them again in the same free table, and getting crashed, thus repeating the incident every 2 or 3 days. This is one of the cases where I feel forced to act while I might really consider it next times, if you know x is crashing screen readers, then block him, or do not join his tables. As simple as that, of course that's a very annoying thing, and it would require an action if some troll joined a free table spammed it with crash codes and left. At some point, this drama got so bad, and here is where the major incident started. I recommend you see this topic, if you haven't already.
So in his own words, he said "we were bored and we decided to challenge the moderators to a Reversi game." Now imagine this group who creates such drama messaging you all at once through f4, and saying let's play, wouldn't that be considered spam? It is clear that it's not a coincidence and it is useless arguing here. I fail to see the need to even provide any explanation further to the one in the ban of the 30 minutes, I admit that the reason written might have not been very professional, but since they were trolling under the excuse of a joke, so I was matching that humor.
Now when they came back, someone at the table sent us a history report that had these angry messages and swears. I have known that this poor person would suffer many consequences, so I made it a bit obscure about how we have known the information in the following, also justified ban. They actually did not ask about it, and I did not mention how we received the information, until they came yet to create another drama in the previously mentioned post about how helpers and admins can spy on you. I actually would have never known if that report was not sent. and I am sorry for the person who sent it for the anger he probably has faced.
after all these actions I decided to talk to them all and we had really a long long conversation, in which they all started to actually listen and understand their mistakes. this conversation had a positive outcome and the drama later was so much reduced. However, there was one exception here, which is AlirezaNosrati, who was still very rude and refused to admit he was wrong, ridiculously enough all the group was trying to convince him to stop being rude and reach a compromise, and he still refused so I had no other choice except banning him permanently, a decision that was taken based on many previous offenses not related to the group, and he was actually  warned many times. He did come several times after that through VPN and guess what, again he came to troll, each time I only know through the reports I get. however, @Alireza, who faced "worse" I would like to let you know that I am aware you managed to surpass the ban again now, but I did not receive any report against you and I really hope I don't.
After this case, there was really no major events except casual stuff, and some drama that the group was rather its victim and I listened to them and took appropriate actions. and even Aarush was allowed the privilege of having 2 accounts to avoid this drama, although it is something against our rules. Yet he had a third account while being fully aware of the rule. His 2 additional accounts are now banned since I assume the drama is done, and he actually did break the rule by creating a third account. And note that despite all that, the Godfather account itself is not banned.
This is where Aarush comes from, he is angry that he committed mistakes and did not get away with it. now Aarush you compared us to the police, and said that you deserve a warning and all that stuff, Police actually do not do that because the Police assumes you know the rules and directly punishes you. Of course, I take in account previous offenses or else it wouldn't have been fair that someone who had never created drama be treated the same way. Even police do take history in consideration, in the silliest things. Let's take the example of a drunk driver, it is a very well-known law, yet some drivers do it, check this link to see how the punishment entirely depends on your history.
And even though, we did talk, and you did change as well as the whole group, so again, I don't know what you are trying to achieve here, you probably do not know yourself.
As for giving an explanation for the victim, that's the way how it works in the playroom, when you send a report you get an automatic reply that your report was received, or when you contact us through f4, we reply you and probably ask you to send the history. You do also have a comment section where you can express yourself, or direct us at a certain part in the report. Most websites will not tell you what are the measures they take, but they certainly do let you know that they received your complaint and assure you it will be solved soon. it's a waste of time of explaining to every victim we have banned the user x based on your report. And actually, will create lots of unneeded question like why x was not banned forever, or was not banned at all even, and was only warned, and z was banned. as I explained, it entirely depends on the complete story, the complete history of offenses. If you do not trust the organization website or game or whatever, then simply do not join it. I personally had some problems with the Uber service for example, such as the driver picking up the trip then canceling it and putting the penalty on me, even though I am waiting at the address provided. what I do in such cases is contact the company and ask for a refund, they give me the refund and tell me that they'll take the required actions with the driver. Do I or anyone else harass them about it and ask so did you do anything to this driver? what have you done? don't I deserve an explanation? Try to do that and come tell me what their answer would be.
And finally, I fail to see your point about hiding topics, it does not happen with each and every offensive topic, it only happens because we in the playroom want to make it a safe environment for everyone, and especially for minors, as it is primarily a gaming platform. We take in consideration kids, and I have personally seen a lot of them as young as 9 years old. This indeed include removing plus 18 posts or anything that we see inappropriate. In fact, the system you're talking about is a protection system, so now you may argue that someone might complain that the helper x banned me or insulted me or any other stuff, how do we know the helper in question do not simply delete it and get away with it. now this system comes in handy, we cannot remove any post nor topic, it only gets hidden and it is accessible to admins and helpers from other languages. This also serves as a proof in case of any problems, as we can restore it anytime in case we need it. However, I advise you to check the rules as we reserve the right to do that, it is stated there. You may or may not agree with this, but these are our rules.
@Pool, I know you used to hang out with the group sometimes, but I don't think you were involved in this drama, so what worse have you seen? can you explain? Or is it the trend of let's stir up drama just because we can.
From what I see here, the group has done mistakes in the past, and of course people do change, I believe in that, heck most of them did change, and I will still believe in that except when they prove otherwise,  like the minority who still obviously cannot accept their mistakes and just want to create drama for nothing here.
Lastly, I am so sorry for all the drama and the long post, but hopefully everyone has a clearer picture now, and I will probably not answer to such topics again, if you have something to say, say it to the whole team on f4. Thanks.

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